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Future Newbie

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Hello All,

I have been following this forum for several months and have finally gone from a "wannabe future newbie" to a "future newbie" - a new Millie is expected in my hobby room around mid October!!! First off - many, many thanks to all for the ton of invaluable information available on this forum. Also a huge thank you to Suzan Pons for her time, help and support - also to Carol in Beamsville, Ontario. Carol turned the pictures from the internet into reality and made me realise that I can do this!,,

A little background - I live in Luxembourg (Europe) though I am Canadian (a big hello to all the Canadians in this forum) and I think (to be confirmed) that my new Millie will be the first APQS machine in the country!!!!

I have only been quilting for 4-5 years but decided that DSM quilting was not my thing and that there has to be a better way - so long arm quilting it will be!

I look forward to sharing my experience with "y'all" and if there are any APQS users within the Luxembourg area I would love to hear from you.

Sue from Luxembourg

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Thanks to all - it's nice to belong to the APQS family! I hope to get started with my "Millie" asap but realise that PPP is the name of the game. As I will not be using the machine for a commercial business I will take my time to learn, but probably by trial and error, so it will be awhile before I post my "works of art"!

A little note to "Joma" - would love to have your email address to contact you directly.

Thanks to my fellow Canucks for answering this post. A little note to Gail from Ottawa - I was born in Ottawa and went to school in the Maitland Ave area (many many moons ago - circa 1962) who knows maybe we know each other .......

I risk to bother alot of people in the future with all sorts of questions as I get the machine up and going. It's wonderful to have the support.

"Talk" to y'all soon once I grt my Millie.


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