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NQR I washed his face and found his eyes...lol.


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Tyra, I bought him.  I went to pick out a puppy for my daughter and her family and fell in love with him after I had chosen hers.  He was born on my birthday and I was talking myself out of getting him and my husband just looked at me and said Merry Christmas.  He has the most adorable personality.  Lives up to his name of "Bear".  My husband named him.  He's only 11 wks. old and he will come when I call him, sit on command, and fetch a green tennis ball and bring it back to me.  My 6 yr. old Miniature Sheltie has adopted him as well.  I always say she is OCD, but she has been very good with him.  He seems to settle her anxiety.  Every since my older Sheltie died a few years ago she has become more and more anxious and just hates it when we leave the house and now she seems a lot more calmer.  It's been good all the way around.


Sylvia, hoping your little one gets to feeling better soon.

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Oma, I remember now reading about you picking a puppy out for your daughter and coming home with one too. It's a good thing I don't live in the country because I would have way too many cats and dogs. I just want to give them all homes. I told hubby that I don't know if we will get another puppy after our current dogs pass. I'm too old to get up during the night. It's almost like having a newborn again

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He is so cute!  It seem like he is good match for your sheltie and you!  


Sylvia- I hope your little champ does well. We love them so much don't we?


 I am slowly losing my beloved Meiling(cat) to cancer.   She is in no pain that I can determine, still moving around the house, on my lap and on chairs.  As long as she is comfortable, I will keep her with me.  I just don't know how I will face that final decision when  it is time to free her. 


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He IS cute!!   I love it when playing with them and they stick their butt up in the air and

put their front elbows down and lower the head just waiting for something, a move, a

treat, a walk, etc.   Gotta love them.


Sylvia so sorry Champ is ill.  I hope he gets well quilk


Tyra that is one reason why we  won't have another cat or dog.  Plus trying to find someone

to care for them while we are gone, and of course the cost just can't squeeze into the budget.


Love your pets for me, too, please?



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Thanks to all of you for your well wished for Champ! He went to the vet this morning, after a bad night, and they have decided it is arthritis and he was having a bad flair! He is now medicated and will be home late this afternoon. I don't want to sound too dramatic but next to my human family, my animals are just the very best! They are truly precious and weave their way into the core of my heart! I am so glad God looked down and saw how badly we needed friends who never disagree with us but share our happiness and pain. Oma, you will have tons of special love coming from that baby. I can see it in his face!!!

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Oh Oma, I'm glad Bear is part of your family!  Sounds like things are falling right into place!


And Shirley, I'm glad to hear Champ is better!  I'm right there with ya on lovin' those dogs like family.  We're on our 4th boxer dog (3rd rescue).  Don't know what we'd do without them. 

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