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Magnetic or regular bobbin

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Congratulations! Much fun ahead!


Use what works for you. Lots of instructors will tell you what works best for them. But try other things as well.


That said, magnetic bobbins are a great product since they offer almost-perfect tension from the first. You will still need to figure out your top tension.

But learn to use self-wound bobbins also, for when you're out of the perfect color or your customer wants a specific color to match the backer and you don't have it. Please learn to adjust your bobbin tension with non-meganetic bobbins because someday you'll need to know.

Pre-wound bobbins are a good product as well. 


Remember that magnetic bobbins require you to remove the backlash spring from the bobbin case. You might want to have two cases on hand, one with the spring and one without.

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I use pre-wounds exclusively and both Fil-tec's magnetic bobbins and Superior's regular bobbins. I have separate bobbin cases for each weight of thread I use so I usually don't have to mess with the bobbin tension much. Bobbin cases are pretty cheap, too.

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Prewound cardboard, prewound magnetic, self wound..


They will all work as long as you know and learn how to adjust the bobbin tension "Just right" for your machine  - or more specifically for how you like to run threads in your machine.


Looser top tensions needs looser bobbin tension and vice versa.


I still check every bobbin in my Towa Gauge.  I am a loose tension user.  My Towa runs at 130-150

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http://www.bobbincentral.com/quilting/bobbins/magna-glide-classic.html  The classics are the fine bobbin thread and the delights are Glide which is a little thicker.  The classics are great for those pantos that are more dense and you can't make a full pass on a full bobbin.  I much prefer them to Superior's bobbins.



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I use Fil-Tec's Magna Glide or Magna Quilt bobbins exclusively.  I've not wound a bobbin since 2008.  Sure, they cost a bit more than other pre-wounds, and they definitely cost more than winding your own.  What they save me in time and frustration is worth every red cent.  I have an entire 3-drawer ArtBin cart full of them.  Lots of colors, and perfect tension.

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To add to Carol's answer, the Magna Glide bobbins have only a plastic core with a magnetic ring at one end. There are no sides and the thread is treated with some kind of sizing to keep it wound and tight on the core. I think someone could come up with a regular plastic bobbin with the magnet embedded in the side that could be used to self-wind thread. Maybe I'll get Dennis going on that project! ;)

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