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Bargello jacket

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Here is a jacket that I did for a Christmas gift for my sister in law. I hope she likes it. The sleeves are the most wonderful teddy bear yarn that you can imagine! I got the yarn and knitted the sleeves and then had to find the fabric...not easy! Purple has to be one of the hardest colors to find. I added the aqua because I couldn\'t find enought to do a monochromatic one. I\'ll post the one I did for my mother too but I didn\'t quilt it on my longarm. It was done right before I got my longarm and it was done in the quilt as you go method.


yikes first picture was way to big...lets try this one.


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Heidi...to heck with you getting one for yourself ;)...ME ME ME...I\'m next. :):) What a great jacket.....They are gorgeous, and I am so jealous....I can\'t knit....I\'ve been trying for years and I\'m all thumbs.:P:P:P

How have you lined them....are they also knitted inside or is it just the quilted the fabric.

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Thanks all.

Terri - No desire to sell them, I would not make any money on them. Besides the Bargello pattern is not my fav...just boring. LOL they are time intensive.

Bonnie - I want to do one for me but I think I\'m going to do mine a little different, more like a whole cloth and maybe with a little applique. The way I did the purple/aqua one was to piece the whole top, then quilt and then cut out. The lining is just fabric. The collar and sleeves are the only thing that are knitted and are not lined. Here is a thought for you Bonnie - try those new cheater knitting things they have out. I think they sell them at JoAnns. My daughter just made a scarf with them and it is lovely. My mother taught me to knit, crochet and sew by the time I was 6. I also taught my daughter but she never liked knitting. Now that she is 23 she is beginning to get interested again! yeah!

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Heidi, you make me giggle....my daddy back in 1972 made me one of the cheater thingys to knit with...I will even still have it...and have made tons of scarves for people. I just noticed the new plastic ones that they have in WalMart a couple of weeks ago and bought a set for Siana as she in her art class are making baby hats for the newborns in the hospitals...

I can crochet, no problems there, but totally all thumbs when it comes to knitting...I just can\'t seem to hold them right....or something :(....if I could crochet the sleeves, we would be in business, but have yet to find a pattern for something like that. But will keep looking.

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Just draft up your own pattern for crochet sleeves! There are two different styles of knitting, continental and european. Both hold the needles differently. I think European is probably easier but I switch between the two. You might want to see if there is local shop where you can take a beginner class. Knitting is way hard on the hands though. I am double jointed and as the years go on they ache more and more. I still prefer crochet and I can do it much quicker!


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No I didn\'t make up the pattern...I wish! I bought it at MQX last year. The pattern is called Quilted Bargello Jacket by Ann S. Lainhart. It is a 1999 pattern, but I just bought it in April. Her website is www.quiltedgallery.com She is in Plymouth MA. Phone number is 508-747-4293.

I did make a modification when made the purple jacket and I like the sleeves much better. The pattern calls for stitching the sleeve cap mostly straight until the end and then knitting 2 together which creates a really gathered look. I preferred to decrease one stitch each side every other row to get a more raglan style sleeve instead of the puffy 90\'s style.


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Hey Heidi,

Wow, you have been busy since the Miwana Retreat. I love the jacket, but can\'t knit at all so I\'ll never have one like that. Don\'t you just love Jodi\'s less stress feathers? They look awesome on the jacket. I used them on a quilt border and love the look. If I can figure out how to post pictures I\'ll try to put it on soon. Hope you are having a wonderful fall season, and hope you\'re planning to go back to quilt camp next October. Janet

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Loes - you gave me a good giggle!

Michele & Rita - thanks!

Janet - I just love Jodi\'s techniques...take all the stress out of it for me! I do love the less stress feathers they are so quick. I have been way too busy since coming back from Camp Mowana and yes I do plan on returning next year! It was the best retreat and the best classes I have taken. I need to send my deposit. I understand that she already has deposits for 12 last count!

I\'m getting ready to load my first customer quilt. It is a friend so that takes a lot of the stress out. The problem is that it is a giant eight pointed star. It actually has 3 eight pointed stars, one inside the other. Hard to explain really but the biggest triangles have to be at least 12"! yikes. I\'m going to do feathers in the triangles to make those more predominant and I think I\'m going to do Jamie Wallen\'s swirl meander for the background squares. There are 3 borders. I am planning on a nice feather in the center border but haven\'t decided what I\'ll do in the inner border. The outside border is going to be leaves and swirl/featherish flowers. I hate this part. Deciding is the hardest thing for me. I\'m looking at Jodi\'s books now trying to decide on a design!


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