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I dedicate this quilt in memory of Trish DeLong, my quilt teacher.

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I actually read this and viewed the pictures at 3:00 this morning while I was sitting here with a crying baby. I have had to take some time to absorb the beauty of the quilt, the quilting, and the story of how it came to be. You have created teh ultimate tribute to your friend/teacher. I\'m sure that she is seeing this and is very proud of your work.

The amount of love in this quilt is evident . The work is fabulous. Be very proud of yourself.

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Shauna I just love it, and the fact that someone touched you and others so profoundly, and taught others so well.. the respect and love you had for Trish shows in your work then, and now. I keep thinking of the saying, which I cannot quote, that says the memory of a true friend never leaves you.. obviously that\'s true here.

I also believe Trish knows exactly what you have done with the quilt and guided you to bring it out to work on.

Beautiful. and Hang with pride and love.


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Shana - It is truly beautiful! What a fine tribute to your friend. You can be very proud of what you have done. I hope you print out what you have written in your post and hang it with the quilt.........it was beautifully worded and would be a fine addition to the label.

I can\'t wait to see the final quilting! Your feathers are awesome!

Thank you for sharing Trish with us......it sounds like you both were great friends.......

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Your quilting, piecing and story are all wrapped up into this beautiful quilt to honor your teacher & friend. Good job girl. I especially like that you will hang this quilt in a place of honor. Trish made a life changing imprint on your heart and thru your story, on ours as well.

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Thanks, all, for your nice words.

I was not a quilter or a sewer before this, so I was really so interested in learning. One of the very first, if not the first quilting class I ever took (it was called "Rotary Basics") Trish was teaching the fundamentals... anyway, you know how in the cartoons where the giant lightbulb goes on right over the head when you get it? Well, I distinctly remember one day during class that giant light bulb turned on brightly right over my head and I knew at that moment that "I got it!" :P LOL! It was like it started to all make sense to me. That\'s when I knew I could do this quilty stuff!

Sheri, you asked how big this star of the month quilt is...it\'s 12" size blocks with 3" or 4" sashing, so probably close to 50" square.

Thanks again you all.

Have a great fun quilting day!

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Such a beautiful quilt and beautiful story!

I was one of the lucky ones. We knew I had uteran (sp) cancer, as well as cervical cancer (not one of the types that can be prevented by the new vaccine), but the ovarian cancer was a complete surprise to my doctor! Since he did a complete hysterectomy anyway, we did not find out until the biopsy reports came back... that is when we found out the ovarian cancer was much more advanced than the other. I have now been 7 years cancer free, but after having a breast cancer scare a few years ago, that c word is still on my scary list!

I can\'t wait to see the completed project.

Jeanne Morris

Monroe, GA

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What a wonderful job you did. Wish my first, second... or even tenth quilt was as beautiful as that one. Trish was obviously a wonderful person and a great teacher. Girl you must of had the talent just waiting for her to help you bring it out. What a great thing you are doing to honor her. Your the best.


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Oh gosh I sure love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being my friends...you do not know how much you all mean to me. That\'s the truth! You\'re the best! Only you all would truly understand where I am coming from with this special quilt of mine. Thanks again for all that you are, and for allowing me to wear my heart on my sleeve and sharing my soul. You all are very special and wonderful, and I hope to be your friend always... Thank you again.


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Shana, You weere born to br a quilter if that is one of your first! The quilting is perfact and surely your hands were guided by your guardian angel Trish. How pleased she is of you I\'m sure.

My first quilt was made for our youngest son\'s HS grad. I was grieving for our second son who took his life the year before. I never sit down to quilt without feeling his presence. Of course I feelhim with me many times through out the day eventhough it\'s been nearly 17 yrs.

Your quilt is a lovely tribute.

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