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What happens to woman acting like a kid

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This bruise is a week old and looking lots better. It was a beautiful night after a wonderful snow and my DD, SIL, husband and other daughter plus 2 crazy dogs came over to go sledding on our hill. The big goal was to go down the hill, across the drive, into the woods all the way to the picnic table. SIL was the closest to the goal. You were supposed to bail if you got too close to the swingset or killer sycamore tree, but I just had to beat him and pretended the swingset wasn\'t there. Guess what, it WAS there. So this is what happens when a 54 year old woman tries to out best a 30 old guy.


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LOL...Mary Beth I too have monkey toes...I can pinch people and pick up pencils.....Do you do trick as well.

Victoria....Oh so Ouch....you are very lucky you didn\'t hit harder than you did, it would have snapped. BUt I\'m sure it was well worth the victory in beating your SIL, way to go girl, us 50+\'s have to make sure they do know who\'s still the boss.

We really haven\'t been able to do much sleding here, snow only lasts about 2 days and I personally see no need to go down by myself, wheres the fun in that, but I do put on my snow suit to snow blow the .10 mile drive way.:cool:

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LMAO@ Mary Beth w/the Sonny Bono thought!

Victoria: I hope you are OK. That REALLY looks like it hurts B AAAAAD!

50 yr old here went sledding last year with hubby, son, son\'s GF, daughter and future son-in-law. Huge Huge dam we have at one of our lakes. Dumb me. I hadn\'t gone sledding in 20 yrs. I really didn\'t want to sled to the bottom and "keep going another 100 yds" so i\'d have to walk all that way, so I took the "bail out" at the bottom of the dam. Remained nice and wet for the next 2hrs we stayed at the lake. LOL!

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Nothing was broken. I haven\'t laughed so hard for a long time. My daughter and I have both put on about 20 pounds since we last wore out snow pants but we crammed ourselves into them, her asking if they made her butt look fat. I looked like a Victoria Secret woman with my boobs crammed in and squishing out the top. The overalls were so tight we couldn\'t bend our knees to get into the sleds so we had to drop in. My other daughter, 5\' 5" and 100 pounds was laughing so hard the tears were running. What a fun night. (and no, I didn\'t beat him, but all I need is one more snow. lol)

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WOW, Victoria that looks painful. Sure glad you didn\'t break something.

I bet it will take a while before they let you live that one down. Next year you can laugh about it.

Just remember those thirty yr. old SIL\'s will get every time.LOL

Take care of that leg and the rest of rest of the parts that go with it.


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You guys are so funny. Actually, it hardly hurts at all. It is starting to itch as it heals and scratching is a no no. Owie! But, the only real pain was upon impact. I thought it was broken but managed to stand up and believe it or not, we continued sledding for another hour. It wasn\'t until the next morning I realized how ugly it was. I\'ve been quilting like nothing happened.

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Victoria, that bruised foot looks very painful. I hope that the bruise is gone for sandal weather!!

BUT - YEA for all the 50+ women who still think AND ACT like they are 30. Like falling into the lake off a personal water craft!!! (In front of the whole family reunion of about 40 people) My only problem is that I will soon be going over the 59 and into the 60\'s - YIKES :o

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Patty Jo, looks like you will need to do a "repeat performance" of your watercraft stunt dive at your next family reunion. :cool: I am sure the kids and grand kids would love to see grandma do it again! (why not!) ...I\'m not joking. That\'s what it\'s all about, right? ;) Except, next time, rather than ACCIDENTALLY falling off...Stop and stand, take a bow for the "crowd" while on the water craft and then do an elegant dive right off the the back end. You could make it the highlight event at all future family reunions.

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I suppose that I could try to do all of that ON PURPOSE, but the elegant dive???? Maybe I should buy everyone water pistols and I\'\'ll buy me a super soaker and then have an all out water fight with all the grand kids, cousins, & the in-laws!! That may be safer. And shouldn\'t result in bruising as poor Victoria experienced with her sledding. Unless my elegant self falls over a tree root or something!:D

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Oh, yeah, did the squirt gun thing last summer! I burst out of the house, threw a dozen filled guns on the table and shouted " Choose your weapons!" and started squirting. Even my 73 year old mom grabbed a gun. We were shooting from behind trees, doing run by shootings, and by the end of a half hour everyone was soaked and laughing so hard. Even the little 3 year old was soaked and laughing and he wasn\'t even sure what was happening. What a great way to break up the boredom after a big meal on the porch on a very hot summer day.

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