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Good Bye .......Kansas

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyy........you all here!

We - Elke and I - have to say Gooooood Byeeeeeee till next year!

We are ready to leave to the Airport - waving our hands while passing Convention Center!

We \'ve met a lot of new friends - a wonderful (quilting)family !:D

Sooooooooooo much fun.....thank you all!

We saw beautiful quilts, have had encouraged students, bought a lot of stuff ( OMG -the weight will be a surprise at the airport!)

and last but not least......... we are missing you already!!!!!!

So - tomorrow we will mail again ..... with a huge distance between us , but only in kilometers , miles and time ! We are still connected in friendship!!!!:D :cool:

Elke and Claudia - waving hands..........

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Claudia, Elke, my DH and I had a perfect evening last night eating dinner outside, talking, and we even went shopping in a western wear store...Claudia bought the cutest cowboy hat for herself. I will post pictures soon.

DH was able to see "The Quilt" when we got back to the hotel. He just didn\'t realize what I was trying to tell him until he was actually able to behold the quilt in person. He was astounded!! He only see our local quilt show quilts....I think next year he may show up to look at quilts in the show - he is a new convert.

Claudia and Elke, it was so good spending time with you both and getting to know you better....Elke, don\'t forget how to give the "Wet Willie" you may be able to use it on Claudia when she is giving you a hard time!!:D

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Dear Claudia and Elke,

You two are so wonderful to know in person. Elke is a sweet heart and I can\'t wait to meet you again.

I took a class from Claudia and she is such a fun teacher. She showed us how to couch all sorts of stuff around her swirly feathers. Her style is very flamboyant and "over the top" and so much fun. Her feathers match her gorgeous smile and very fun personality: Very flamboyant; very dramatic; very lovely; very pretty. Thank you, Claudia! You are such a good and caring person. We are all lucky to have you as our friend.

I am home now and slept in my bed and it is so good to be back. My flight home was fantastic; no problems; flights on time. And I enjoyed beautiful scenes from my window below all the way home.

Waving to you both from across the states and the ocean. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

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Hertzlichen GlückWunsch für zu den ersten Preis Thema auf MQS 2008

Ich wußte du warst eine die besten Quilterin der Welt !

Wir sind alle stolz aud Dich Claudia !

hat auch Elke freude gehabt ?

Lieben Grüß

und Gute Flug Heim

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Dear friends!

It was so great meeting you all again!

Hope you, Claudia and Elke, are safe back home. And congratulations again with ribbons to both of you and all the other winners and even entrants! There should be so many more ribbons!!

I am still at Hyatt Place, Kansas, waiting for the shuttle to show up.. It has been a great week, BUT now I want to go back home too!! I don\'t know when I will be back home, there is a strike at the airports in Norway!!

Thanks for good weather! Today "I have had a class with Karen" by the pool, reading through the whole book: "Quilting for shows":cool: Wow, I have so much to try out! Thanks!!

Well I am ready to start on Sue\'s book at the airport..:D

Take care all! Till we meet again:D

Hugs from Janne

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Claudia, Elke, AND Janne have safe trips over the ocean! I loved spending time with you all SOO much!!!!

Claudia, I am kissing you 3 times!!!! I have my "challenge" fabric layed out and am auditioning fabrics to accent it. You know, if you have a cowboy hat I could put you in a "Hick Chick" quilt. :cool:

Janne, it was so good to see you again, I hope you have a smooth trip and the strikes don\'t interfere too much.

Elke, you are just lovely, I so enjoyed meeting you.

Shana I\'m glad you are home safe and sound. I agree, it felt wonderful to sleep in my bed last night too.

Grammie, I know you have some galavanting to do over the next few days, be safe and I expect to see you on my doorstep SOON!!!!

It was so fabulous spending time with my soul sisters. We haven\'t heard yet here from Nancy Jo, Suzanne, and Deb Figved, but I\'m wishing them safe travels too.

Angels on your bodies, and travels.

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Claudia, Elke and Janne, I hope you have a safe trip back to Europe. And Janne I hope the strike will be over. If nor just call me at the airport and I will pick you up, and you can stay be me! I will ove to know all about the MQS show:D:D

Big Hugs Merete

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Claudia, you are the most amazing artist. It was so much fun having the margaritas and visiting after you won the big award. Everyone was so tired but so happy for our good friend. I too got to Portland without a glitch. Ivan and I are about to get on a plane so I can get to my real home. Then I get to stay put for awhile. Tammie, love ya darling. Tracye, you just keep on being the gracious generous person you are. Hilarious too. Get that machine paid off so you can go on to the next thing....:D:D:D:D Deb F. Hope you got home just fine too. We\'ll keep you updated on the latest and greatest.

I have been looking at the challenge fabric too, Tracye. I already have some (I hope) splendid ideas. Remember, June is not so far away. :(:P:(:P

See y\'all online. Missing you already.


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Claudie, Elke, Nancy Jo, Tracye, Shana, Hawaii Barb, and EVERYONE! I prayed you all had safe flights back home! It was so wonderful seeing you all, and now if your like me, your counting the days backwards from 350 until we meet/hug/talk/laugh again in 2009!

Next year I hope to take one of Claudia\'s classes! I was too late signing up this year, but I sure wont be next year! Elke, I had a blast with you Tues nite! Hope you can make it back next year too for more fun!

God Bless you ALL, may he keep you safe, healthy and energized for next year\'s event!

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Waving my hands.......across the ocean! I´m arrived at home...half an hour ago!

Still without luggage.....lost somewhere between Chicago and Frankfurt and with my quilt in it!!!:(

But the airline is hoping that the luggage will arrive tonight! Please hold the fingers crossed!

Elke and I were sure, that we would have the same flights out of Kansas, but Elke has had to take a flight earlier than me. And I missed the connection flight in Chicago......arghhhhh!

So I had to fly over Frankfurt and then to Düsseldorf!

Ok......But I´m now at home....and I have had a welcome ceremony with my kids( a lot of hugs!!!!), with flowers and chocolates:D:D:D

Soooo....I will take a shower right now and then waiting anxiously for my luggage and quilt!


.....missing you!!!

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OMG:o:o:o:o Not your stunning quilt that took you nine months/? Oh Claudia. I will pray for you to find your beautiful artwork. Leave it to fate to lose your luggage on the one time it should not be lost. :(:(:( Please let us know if you get it. Oh my. I am speechless. I am not sure I would have had the courage to put that quilt in a suitcase. You are much braver than I am.

Nancy jo

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Hi Claudia

It was wonderful to meet you - at last- and so fortunate for me that it was during the showing of such a beautiful quilt.

MQS has left me totally inspired and that anything is possible if we push the boundaries. Thank you Claudia for that.

I\'m certain your quilt will arrive safe and sound and you can then relax.

Claudia I hope that I (and Tim , of course) will get to meet you in Duseldorf in the not too distant but until then stay well and keep quilting.

Chris x

ps I sent you an email

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....my quilt.....and my luggage....( not sooooo important*lol*) were delivered tonight at 10 o´clock!

Checked by the customs....uuuuuuuuuups....;)

but who care????...

I´ll go now to bed, while you have your afternoon cake.....

BTW: What kind of batting did you use?????;):D:cool:

I told this story to my men here.....even them understood the funny points.......still laughing....


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Whew....so glad to hear that your quilt is once again in your little hands....what a scare that must have been. I can\'t even imagine the path that I would have worn into the carpet...while waiting to hear if the Airlines knew where it was.

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