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Hello to everyone!

My name is Manuela and I live with my husband and my three daughters in Mönchengladbach (only 30 km from Claudias Shop:D)

Everyday I watch your wonderfull pictures here and read your stories. I love it! But my english ..... OK it is not easy for me to write and speak but I understand nearly everything!

And I have a Milli and love hand applique Quilts and fabric painting (thanks to Sue Patten;))

And now PPP


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Your English is probably better than mine :D We love pictures so we want to see your work too. I agree with Sue, you are very lucky to live close to Claudia. I was able to spend some time with her here in Kansas City last week, she is a very interesting person and a great quilter.

Welcome to the chat group.

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Thank you very much for your answers!

I have a lot of luck! I live so close to Claudia, Elke is the BEST (Dr. mill Else:P) and a good friend of mine has her one Quilt-Shop only 10 car minutes away!

And my husband and the girls love everything I do on the milli! They are my biggest fans! :)

Next year I hope to come to MQS!!Ohhhh, I think I have to write my shopping list for next year now!:D

Quilts come soon! I need my computer king husband for this!


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Hay Ela!!!!!!!

How wonderful to see you on the chat:D We would love love love to see pictures!!! If you are coming to MQS next year remember to bring a big suite case for all the wonderful things you will buy!!!! Gell pen are a very LOW price here and you could fill a suite case and bring them home with you LOL Have your computer King husband post so of your quilts so we can all tell you how wonderful they are...

Missing Germany very much and hoping to fly across the ocean again sooooonnnn....

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Welcome Ela!

Wow, lucky lucky you to live so close to such a classy lady!

I cant wait to see your pics posted here too, of what you\'ve accomplished.

Your english is just fine! Now, if I could only speak the german, let alone write it!

See you next year at MQS!!!

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Hi Manuela, so glad you decided to step in and join us.. I see nothing wrong with your English, in fact you speak it as well as many Americans do.. We have tooo much slang.

IT is wonderful to have so much love and support from your family.. hope you will share some pictures of your quilts with us, real soon.


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Thanks thanks thanks for the welcome on board!:D

Hallo Sue! I hope you visit Germany soon, too! We had a lot of fun the! I love fabric painting. I habe done a little Quilt for my mum! When my computer king gives me an audiens (hope you know what I want to tell you:D)

Hallo Carin! Na, da bin ich aber froh, dass ich da mal so richtig schnell antworten kann! Englisch ist nicht wirklich mein Spezialgebiet! Naja, bis jetzt konnte ich mich immer irgendwie verständlich machen! Kennen wir uns eigentlich von irgendeinem Kurs bei Claudia schon? Ich habe im Januar 2007, im Juni 2007 und im Januar 2008 mitgemacht! Habe dabei so viele Menschen kennengelernt, dass ich mir unmöglich alle Namen merken konnte! Wir müßten echt mal unseren deutschsprachigen Anteil hier erhöhen! Müßte ich nicht so dolle mein blondes Köpfchen anstrengen ;)


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jip Ela, you being right, we have to blow up the german speaking side. Sure we have to talk a lot and it will be so much easier to doing this in our slang :)

What about your date with your CompuKing? ... we still waiting... 8)

see you next time again in Krefeld, think I know you, you are the Quilter of the beautiful Bargello, we have seen during the show and tell in January. Can´t wait to see you all again... let´s have fun!

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