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I haven't been on here much because....

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I have been entertaining this little one (AbbyMei) along with her mommy & daddy. They have been here visiting from Maryland. I don\'t get to see this little DGD very much because of the distance between us, but when she is here, I am probably spoiling her. Oh well, her Mommy & Daddy can undo all that when they get home.;)


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That\'s awesome that you & Bill get to spend some play time with your sweet little Grand daughter, she is just beautiful!

I have quite the opposite relationship with my boys grand parents (my inlaws) , they live next door!!

Do you remember the show, "everybody loves Raymond"??

That\'s my life!:o:P Just gotta laugh, cuz I\'d rip my hair out other wise!!:P (I could write a best seller on the stories for sure!!)

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I informed Mommy & Daddy that the chat friends all thought that spoiling was definately my job, so they said they would deal with it when they got home. We have had several adventures (imagionations runs full bore here) and gone to the zoo, went to school, played with PlayDo and made muffins & marbles, went swimming in the kiddie pool in the back yard & colored lots of pictures of Bert and Ernie and she is now teaching me how to play with her Leapster. So we are staying very busy until it is nap time (NOW), so I will definately miss them when they have to go back home tomorrow.

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Patty Jo,

This is called justifiable enjoyment and clearly a grandparents main mission! I\'m so glad that you are able to spend time with her and enjoy creating a special bond with your grand daughter. she will always treasure it even if she doesn\'t know that now! I\'ve already warned my children that I did my time being the enforcer and it will be their job with their children and my job will be to be the "fun one." LOL Hubby was always known as the softee in our family even though he is supposed to be a tough Marine...lol my daughter laughs all the time when she hears that!

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What a \'lil doll baby! She looks a lot like my DIL\'s pics from when she was a little girl...

My grandsons are a beautiful blend of Swedish and Philipino...

Sounds like you had a great time!!! And you\'re all right, it IS our job as grandparents to just enjoy those little ones, and as they get older, to tell stories on their parents! LOL

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Patty Jo, Mary Beth, and anyone else that has posted in the last three days!

I am busily trying to catch up on all the Chat since Friday morning. I ended up in the hospital on Saturday morning with chest pains, (all the tests have come back fine, still not sure what it was but thinking stress related, maybe panic attacks, pluresy, or RA related). Anyway, saw the pics of Miss Haley, all the quilts, the flooding, allthe questions and the answers! Here are my replies so I can get it all done at once!:

Mary Beth, Haley is beautiful! I can\'t believe the way she just get prettier with every picture you share! hugs to Jen and Haley!

Patty Jo, Abby is precious! I know what you mean by spoiling them. My grandson used to call me long distance, collectm so we could play Candyland over the phone! His Mommy would come into the room and there he would be, in the floor with the game telling me what his last roll was so I could move him on my side and then take my roll! That was before cell phones of course! And Yes, I taught him how to call me collect!


Adding this to my list of things to keep and eye out for when I get my machine! Who\'d a thunk!

And whoever posted about the stool at Sally\'s Beauty Supply,

That\'s the stool I\'d found online that is made in Australia. I found it by Googling "saddle seat". They came in a bunch of different colors, leather seats, but were about 169.00 last time I looked. The front design was just like that. Thanks for a source here!

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Thanks y\'all, Actually I feel fine now, I woke up in the hospital on Sunday morning adn the pain was gone and hasn\'t come back, I\'m not going to worry about it. The idea that it might be panic attecks kinda hacks me off, I\'m just not a paniky type of person!

Patty Jo, I was looking at the pcture of AbbyMei again and realized that I don\'t see little girls with pigtails much anymore! I always put my daughters hair up in pigtails. they just look so darling! Please give her lots of hugs before she has to go home! She looks like such a little sweetheart!

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Tonight, we had to say good bye to them and they will be leaving in the morning at 4:00 AM to get to the airport for their flight to Maryland. It has been a very good visit and while they were here, my DIL and I picked out the fabric for sashing, borders & backing for the "100 wishes" quilt that I talked about a few months ago. We have all the squares of fabric from friends and family along with their wishes for AbbyMei & for their next little one coming from China (as soon as the paperwork rises to the top of the pile). So I will begin putting the blocks together and getting AbbyMei\'s finished first and then on to Daughter #2 whose name will be Bekkah Bei. I just had to let you all see our little China Doll. Best thing made in China as far as I can see! She certainly is a cutie and does have both DH & I wrapped around her little fingers,

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Patti Jo, I told my kids that the rules are different at Grandma\'s house. The grandkids and I make the rules not parents!!!! My grandchildren are teenagers now so I miss the little ones. Enjoy, enjoy and have fun with the new little one.

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