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Linzi's got a brand new website!

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I\'m very excited to tell you all that I have a brand spanking new website and I\'m thrilled with it! My web design lady was brilliant and turned me into a Minor Techie! It even has a blog which I will have to try to remember to update periodically but that is where I will put new photos and projects - then I guess it will have a proper update annually or threabouts.

Please check it out and let me know if you would suggest any alterations or improvements...




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Linzi - i think your site is great. If I didn\'t already own an APQS, I would want to come and spend the weekend with you and learn all about them. What a welcoming invitation to anyone who is considering a purchase. You will make a great teacher/dealer. Your site is easy to move around in and very informative. ;)

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Nice site, Linzi! I really enjoy your blog, you\'re a good story-teller so I hope you keep it up.....


P.S. I have kind of decided against travelling to Scotland next year after all (I think I\'m chicken!) but after reading your blog and watching a show called "Lost Worlds" an hour ago, I feel a longing again to travel and explore my roots! If anyone sees an episode of Lost Worlds, I suggest giving it a try...always interesting. Anyway, this one was following the path of William Wallace (Braveheart)...very good.

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Thanks for looking y\'all! It\'s good to know that it is all working and navigable. As a bit of an internet junkie (as you all are too) I knew it had to be crisp and easy to read and I hate when pictures take ages to download. I\'ll let Helen, the web designer, know that you all approve!


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