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What's the trick to pebbles?

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I have found that if I go around one way and then around the other way on the next one, it works....like a figure 8. Yes, microdrive works wonders, but I can't remember if I used them....refer back to the thread "Senior Moment" :D Also....think about pebbles in real life...they are not all round...be organic!! Also, there is a youtube about doing pebbles...have you seen it?

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When I do pebbles or micro stippling, I turn my stitch length up real high and leave my SR on. For me, I get a smoother circle and I'm not creating a heap of stitches in one spot. I love the SR and probably depend on it way toooooo much, but that's one of the reasons I got a machine with one on it!:) OH, and I do use my micro handles too.

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I'm doing 6 million pebbles at the moment. I don't find it easy with the micro handles! I have SR on , stitch length 13... some are figure eights (these are good if you want them lined up and some are almost complete circles before they go off somewhere else. Draw a few out on paper...

They are not all perfectly backtracked but en-masse look pretty good anyway. I had some quilters here today and they liked them!

However, after several hours of doing that I have stifff shoulders and achey hands but I don't have time to keep stopping. What with children to feed, school holidays creeping up and a deadline I have to keep going as long as I can or until it makes me go blind!!

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I just use the regular handles and go. Circle, circle, circle, then on to the next. They don't have to be perfectly stitched on top of the last stitch line, and different shapes to fit the next space, or even different sizes give you a more realistic look, like cobblestones or pebbles.

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I turn my stitch length up to about 15, almost the last setting and that made it much easier. For me I hook my thumbs around the handles on the microdrive and leave my hands out flat so that they don't get cramped. I also keep reminding myself that I can move the machine with a fingertip so I don't have to man-handle the thing! They are definitely time consuming!

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I agree with what everyone else said. I don't have the microdrive, and do use the SR. The only thing I'd add is to be sure and take frequent breaks. Stop and roll your shoulders around, and be sure to look at objects in the distance. I thought that my eyes were going to cross when I did pebbles!


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I sort of think that the whole point of pebbles is the variety - in both size and shape. It doesn't want to look like rows of perfect circles. I don't use microdrive, and I don't like the rice bag thing - so I just turn off the SR and get going! Some are rounder than others, some are larger than others - and I think that is the beauty of it!

But I agree with whoever said that you have to stop as often as you can! Otherwise your hands cramp up and your shoulders seize up and your eyes see circles that just aren't there!!

Best of luck - and show us the finished qult when you are done!!

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I don't use my microdrive and I don't use the stitch regulator either. I go around each pebble a couple times in the figure eight. I use the same principle for bead work too. I tuck my elbows in also. I do stop every little bit to stretch and all.

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I don't use the microdrive. I do use the SR and, when doing tiny pebbles or stipple I set the SR to the highest setting then I do the essentially the figure eight as Mary Beth described above. I try to get the pebbles to be varied sizes and don't want them to be "perfectly" round. I have to stop every so often and go do something else for a few minutes.


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