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My first quilt on Lenni

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Roberta, If this is your first Lenni quilt, I am looking forward to your next ones. You did a great job and freehand, too! It's a great quilt and my two fur babies loved that they aren't the only ones that "inspect" each quilt that comes off my millie "Annabella". My sewing studio is their favorite room of the house! :D

Keep up the good work!

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Roberta you did a great job on you first quilt.......you would never know that it was your first one. You really did wonderful quilting on it. I went to Omaha a couple weeks ago and met Julie and DH and WOW!! She let me play with her Lenni and it

was WONDERFUL!!!:):) I loved it!!! I try and try to do McT with my Milli and then I tried with her Lenni and though I'm not good

it just seemed to be easier. Like I said......I LOVE THE LENNI!!!!

:D:D Sorry Roberta......got off the subject of your quilt.......but I

do really like your quiling and keep posting your pics...we love pictures. ;)


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Martha - thank you. I do have a whole stack of quilts that need to be quilted. It took me a while to put a real one on. I did some small whole cloths to get up the nerve. Most of them are under my table for my dog. The furr babies do love the quilts don't they :)

Renae - Thanks. You know I tried McT too on a practice piece and for some reason I don't get it yet. I need to try again. After just a few minutes I thought, why does that look so good on everyone elses quilts, haha ... I love my Lenni too, but I sure think it would be fun to try a Milli. I have never even seen one. If only I had the space .... oh now you got me day dreaming, ha ha

Meg - Thank you too :). I really had fun with the colors. It looks so much better in person. I did not design it though. It was designed by a wonderful quilter here in Albuquerque named Elizabeth Dawson. She has such great talent. This pattern is called Echoes of the Past in case anyone is interested.

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I got my Lenni in late February, but my mil who was on hospice got very ill and so I was not able to begin quilting for months. I first put on a wall hanging size muslim piece and just played. Then I put on a flannel christmas flannel piece (wall hanging size) and just practiced an overall meandering design. The next 2 quilts were also small wall hangings that were panels with fusible applique so I got to practice the meanderning again and trying to do lines. It took several hours for each one. I did not have the time to sit and work on any of them at a long stretch.

This quilt did not take much time at all. It was so nice. The SID was the hard part for me. Even with rulers it was hard.

I would like a bigger table because there is even more quilting space and well, okay the truth is I would love that automatic fabric feed, ha ha

I am so happy for you. I think you will love your Lenni! It is a great machine.

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Congrats Roberta! Great job!

Our Lenni is being shipped in the next day or so! I can't wait to free-hand a couple of cheater tops or panel prints.

We had a lot of fun playing on Rita's Lenni when I taught her beginner's class. I think Rita is trying to figure out how to rig an automatic fabric feed for the Lenni.

My milli is usually hooked up to CQ for customer quilts and I can only play once in awhile in the free-hand mode.

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Wow that is an awesome quilt and you did a fantastic job. I can't believe it is your first quilt. I am anxiously waiting to see your next one. Terrific job!!!! And of course, anything Southwest just fits my house perfectly so Patty Jo we may have to flip a coin to see who gets this beauty:P

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Joanne - Yay for you I bet you are so excited. You will have great fun playing. Oooh, I bet it is great using the computer too. Now you just let me know if Rita figures out the automatic feed thing. DH thinks I am so silly for wanting it but I just do, ha ha

Bekah - Thanks. If you like Southwest you might really enjoy this website. I am lucky enough to live right down the street from it.


Rita - Yes they are a satin stitch. My first attempt at applique. Next time I won't make them so tight. I just have to say thank goodness for sharpies. I had to cheat in a few spots. Should I admit that, ha ha. Are you the Rita who is working on the auto feed? Let me know if you figure it out. I have never seen it in person so I don't think I can help work it out.

Everyone else - thank you so much for your comments. It encourages me. I was nervous but I am so loving my Lenni. What a great machine. You all gave me great confidence and great ideas for how to quilt it. I have been watching you all since February. One day I only hope to be as good as what I have seen around here!

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