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French Braid Quilt

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This is a cry for help!

I am just in the process of loading this quilt (which is a wedding gift) and was wondering if anyone could give me any ideas as to what color thread to use? The back is white. I figured because the quilt is so busy I would sid most of it (UGH) and would put hearts in the little blue squares.


Hopefully my picture posts


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Lib, in the book I have they used all kinds of quilting. I have never done one myself. So maybe letting Linda help you would be the best thing.....in the book I have they have used a squiggly line through the middle of the long blocks leading to the little squares. Then in another they have designed a ribbon down the wide part between the braids stitched in the ditch on the braidand put a little like rose bud in the little square. Don't know if this helps you but those are my suggestions. Good luck and can't wait to see it finished.


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I think your original question was what color of thread to use, and no one seems to be answering that.

If you are experienced and comfortable with the invisible Mono-Poly thread, you could use that. Only the quilting would show. I'm new and haven't been able to work out the tensions issues with the polyester thread , but I have a quilt with different batting on the frame now and will try again.

If you don't mind changing threads every so often, of course that is an option.

They make so many variegated threads these days that it may well be possible to find a variegated thread that contains these colors.

If you have your tension under control, you could certainly use white on the back. At this point in my career, I plan to not use different threads top and bottom again soon, but you may be more experienced than I. I think it would look very nice on a white back if variegated were used top and bobbin.

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If it is just the thread color you want to know about....I would use blue to match the blue squares and and monopoly for SID if that is what you are going to do for the rest or a Varigated if you are going to do a design. But that is me......and I don't have the quilt here to audition any threads on like I would if I had it here with me.


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If you want just the quilting to show (not the thread color) and are not confident enough for MonoPoly, you might try Bottom Line in a medium tone, maybe cream or grey or pink, for the braids - you'd be surprised how little the thread shows, even on darker or lighter materials.

Here's a closeup photo of a quilt I did with Bottom Line cream - I'll try to include a shot of the entire quilt. You can see that the thread doesn't even show, just the texture of the quilting.

Good luck!

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You are all sooo wonderful. Now I think I have changed my idea about sid as I really like the look of the wavey lines and I am definately going to check out the invisible Mono-Poly thread. I have never quilted with it before so may try a sample first. I'll let you all know what I come up with.


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Lib your quilt is gorgeous.

The one I did was a bit different, not the same pattern. It had a lot of seams to pop up over time and I did not want that. I wanted to quilt it continuos. I got this idea of on MQR, I think. It was several months ago. But here are some photos including the stitch path. I mounted the quilt on the sides to minimize the stops/starts. Hope it gives you some ideas.




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It's freehand - there's not enough money in this world for me to try another panto!! I'm soooo glad there are panto queens out there who love them - I would hate to see the designers put out of work because of me. I love freehand, and this one is really quite easy - just a loop with echos. I especially like it done more densly as a background fill. I'd like to learn McTing, even took a class at Innovations last year, but I just can't get it right. Oh, well, at least I can do this one!:P

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Barb - your freehand is great! You'd be surprised if you practice McT'ing again and tell yourself that you can do it and just relax you'll get great at McT'ing also. I found I was more critical on my McT'ing when I was practicing and then when I actually took the plunge and used it on a quilt it looked good. It looks better on a top than a plain practice piece.

Okay my rambling is done

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I love feathers and had thought of doing them but I am soooo awful with feathers! They seem to end up all screwy and not even at all.

I am kind of leaning towards LeeAnn's squiggly lines but also like Linda's idea. Linda, your quilt is so pretty.

Oooh! How to decide?


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