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NQR - Trapped in the sewing room!

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We all need to get together and drink - I mean quilt! Naw.... I do like a glass (well, many glasses) once in awhile. Mainly on the weekends when most of my obligations are complete! It is 5:20 here and I started about 5:10! Just kidding! I clipped the Lhasa and got hair all over me and the AC was out and I got a shower and needed a "Cool drink" and the wine was cool and.... Well, I had on my PJs and, well you see the delima. He has left now and I got to the loo and back to the wine cabinet and am much better! (My DH came in and said, "You can come out now, all is clear!" He is soooo understanding, don't yo think? he he

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Well unless your wearing a totally see threw nitie....I would just go out there....my PJ. are a pair of cotton pant style bottoms and a tanktop....bra or no bra I'm sure the AC dude has seen it all by now....or should have...;););)

And I have to agree with Dory...been known to quilt or sew pretty much in nothing, but drink has always required clothes...NOW did I stay in them that is a different question....

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I have had the PJ thing happen. LOL people always show up when you least expect them.

Sorry to hear the loss of your student. My best friend growing up lost her sister to CF. She was only 16 and she really suffered but she had a sense of humor to the end. She use to tease the interns by telling them they could look at her chest but they wouldn't see much. LOL I still giggle hearing her say that!

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so sorry for your loss. losing really good people to really ikky diseases is just not fair.

Hey, pj's is covered. maybe they'll get a charge out of winnie the pooh, the Bears or whatever you happen to be wearing! Beats the heck out of greeting them in your fruit of the looms. and, hopefully, you're not actually WEARing them to WAL mart! lol!

I answer the door, get the mail, whatever. besides, with a little vino on your breath, it just means you've assumed couch position for the evening!

dqgf (is there an acronym for best quilting girlfriend?) and I have been known to split a bottle of that fruity, sparkly, cheap wine while quilting...I'm not sure if it makes the quilting any better, or the cutting any straighter, but it certainly increases the giggle quotient!


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Originally posted by Just Sew Simple

I mean, I'd gross everyone out if I removed anything!

Sylvia....I to sympathize your lose....I have a 2nd mom...and I know how important she is to me....can't imgine how it would be to loose her, so can totally understand your feelings.

AND a side note....there are a few things that SHOULD never be seen in public....I too would scare small children and make grown men weep with frieght....;):P So grateful hubby knew me in my earlier days...at least he can resort to his memories, and still smile.:cool:

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Sylvia, did this loss occur recently? Are you depressed all the time, or is it temporary? I'm just searching for your mood in general. I will pray you will be comforted in your heart. Nothing wrong with drinking wine, I would be concerned if you needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to in person to hear about your depression.

(((((((((HUG))))))))))))from me too!

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I'm sorry to hear of about Randi.

Did I miss something? Sylvia, you were discussing being trapped in your sewing room, bottle of wine, no A/C and the the need to use the loo then a couple replies down CF and the mood your in is mentioned. There seems to be some blank space in between the replies. Maybe you've spoke to Sew Happy in a previous post and I just missed it.

Glad to hear you've been released.

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Oh heck, I have been known to sit out on my deck in my jammies and drink my coffee. I figure with what other people are wearing these days, I am well dressed. Besides you aren't going to see much as these are usually flannel jammies. I have no pride. :-p

I also love sewing in my jammies and a glass of wine would just make it a bonus! Although I usually save the wine until I curl up in bed with a good book or movie.

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Jolene, in my avatar section under mood I stated "Depressed - I lost a student to CF" This is the connection to the PJ story. I can see how that was confusing!

Bonni R, Randi's mother calls me every day and we talk and laugh and cry and such. We sort of comfort one another but I really appreciate your concern.

PS: Randi loved to sew and she and I made a 60X60 quilt that she gave to her mom for Christmas! Randi named the quilt Fall Bliss - we used fall colors and my last name is Blissett. I felt it was an honor to have it named after me.

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I also got caught one morning. Mind you we live on 4 miles of gravel road that connects to highway on each end. At 7:30 in the morning I have never (in 13 years) had company. Not having put away laundry the night before I had to wrap in a towel after my shower and go to the other end of the house to get work clothes. As I round the kitchen doorway and step into view of the front door, which is full length glass, there stands a friend of my BIL with a big grin on his face. Since he already caught me I asked what he needed. They had spotted deer on us from the road and wanted to hunt on us that evening.

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