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Trick or Treat!!

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Happy Halloween Everyone!! Do you Trick or Treat??

Halloween was always fun when I was growing up - it was my Dad's Birthday so we always had a big party.

Since he has been gone more than 15 years now:( we don't have the big B-day Party. Kinda miss that, but we still have fun in other ways.

Watch for goblins and tricksters.

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Our small town merchants give away candy to costumed kids between 4 - 6 PM. The first time I saw it, I was amazed. There must be a couple hundred kids and parents walking down Main Street on Halloween. Princesses, Draculas, walking Jack-o-Lanterns and pirates. What a treat to see all those painted faces with sweets on their mind.

Happy Halloween

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I'm at work right now in Lockwood, MO and we just had the 1:00 Elementary Halloween Parade go by. All the businesses have somebody (sometimes several somebodies) dressed up and passing out treats. I forgot about the parade and we had two patients scheduled so I was running back and forth to catch a glimpse of the ghouls, princesses, ninja warriors and mostly "grown up" witches....moms and teachers.

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Wasn't Halloween fun when we were kids? (For some of us it was loooonnnnggg ago!) Unfortunately, the PC Police have gripped my area and Halloween is taboo--now the kids have "Harvest Parties" and aren't allowed to wear costumes to school. Celebrating witches and evil monsters just isn't politically correct.


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I thought the harvest party was Thanksgiving!

Oh bummer! :( So silly that you can't dress up in a costume and have some fun. That's what it's all about. Kids just want to be creative and imaginative in a fun costume and eat a bunch of sugar. We're just getting way too serious with the PC stuff. Most people have no idea what Halloween (Hallow's Eve) really is. So what! Lighten up already PC Police have way too much time on their hands... What will they dream up next? Sheesh! :o

Many people just think Mardis Gras is just a party and really don't know what it's about. Even non-Catholics celebrate Mardis Gras. So, should we change the title from Mardis Gras to "Spring Party" to avoid the religious connotation and be more inclusive of anyone who wants to party on that Tuesday before Lent starts?

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Hi Shana,

Here in my neck of the woods, the PC Police are out in full force!!

Nativity scenes are banned from all government property at Christmas. Nothing with any religious content has been allowed for quite a few years including at schools.

BUT, (try not to laugh, please) it was determined that banning was also not PC so now a group may petition to place any religious display they want on government property after it has been approved. This is as long as any "opposition" has an equal chance to have their say. Normal people would assume that means a Nativity and a Menorah display, or something. Too normal!

So this year a Nativity scene will be in place in the State Capitol Rotunda at Christmas thanks to a local group. To offset that, another group (I can't remember the name) also petitioned to place a plackard with their claim that all religion is just hooey and people who believe in any "higher power" are stupid. Ah, ain't democracy great!!!!

I guess I steered us off-topic here--sorry everyone!

Happy Halloween--the fun one with the make-believe and candy.

And Merry Christmas--the joyous one with family, love, and celebration.

Linda in Washington--the wonderful, goofy state!!

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We live on the outskirts of town, so we don't have any trick or treaters visit us. The kids are on their own now, so no little ones to dress up. I sure did enjoy it when they were little, I made all their costumes. It was a lot of work for one day, but they actually used them for play afterwards so it was very well worth it. I really miss those days.

This is the first year the town businesses are promoting the kids to come to town to do their trick or treating. I'm sure it would be fun to sit and watch the kids in town today!! Plus, our temps are warm, about 80*. This is the warmest Halloween I can remember in the 26 years we've been here.

When I was pregnant with our son 24 years ago, I worked at a womans clothing store. I dressed as a hobo (worked very well with my very round tummy) and stood in the window with the mannequins. Imagine the look on peoples faces when I would start to move and wave at them. LOL

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OMGosh tonight is one of my favorite nights of the year!

My babies are 17 & 15 now, but they have younger cousins that they can use as their excuse to go treat or treating with. So all works out for the best.

The PC thing is so odd to me. It seems that a person cannot speak their mind on any subject without someone being offended by it and then wanting to sue or ban - estentially reject...what happened to freedom of speach yadda yadda?

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I had my cute 4 trick or treaters, I had a witch with a big striped hat, batman, a sports mascot and raggedy ann.

No PC police here, even the HS kids can wear a (reasonable) costume to school today! My DIL to be however lives one hour away and teaches 3rd grade and there is no Halloween party there, so sad.

I got to have fun too, my 22 yo son is going to 2 parties, one tonight and the other tomorrow. He is the main character from LOST, with a suit from a second hand store, a very old white shirt of his Dad's, some black hairspray, paint and red makeup. His buddy was a pretty ugly woman with uneven bossoms, an old polyester dress and hot pink wig with false eyelashes, what a hoot. I love all these boys and they are terrific young men and it's so good to see them having fun.

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Sadly not one kid came by, third year in a row.. so.. next year. himself and I are going out.. our knock and then Trick or Treat Please be sweet. We're your neighbors down the street.. then introduce ourselves.. hand out 3 or 4 pieces of candy and go to the next.. Shake this ole neighborhood up if anything will..

ROFL.. dead end street, maybe 6-7 tenths of a mile long.. they've spent 3 days trying to repave..

They readycoated everything before we went to Camp.. still not done and raw tar sprayed and then spread by hand with a big 4 foot square piece of cloth to spread it.. Cloth was on a handle and it looked like a very large rake head.. Well, hills and all, everyone is trying to drive on the graveled side and not get the wet tar all over their cars.. That may be why kids didn't come this year.. as we do have a few youngsters on the lane now.


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I don't get many trick or treaters but the few I got last night were very cutely dressed. All were quite young and with parents. The local towns all declare specific nights and times for what they call beggars night. However the beggars were all yelling Trick or Treat or Happy Halloween. Many of the parents were prompting for the "thank you" too. I knew I would have left over candy so I of course got candy I liked:D


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We're outside the city limits, been here thirty years and have never had trick/treaters. I just buy the candy and eat it myself! :P

Kim, thanks for posting the picture of your boys. They do look like nice young men, under the disguises. You CAN tell a difference.

The whole story sounds like fun. The short trip I took into town yesterday, I did see a woman in costume driving next to me. I think she must have been a witch, black hat and all. That was fun to see.

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Thanks Boni, my son Kyle (he's in the suit) has been best friends with the same group of boys since we moved here when he was in fourth grade. It's amazing how close they all stay. My other kids have a 1 or 2 best friends that they still see but this is a group of 8-10 boys. I get hugs from them all and they come into my kitchen sniffing for their favorite foods, pancake squares and my home made salsa were requested last night. Several of them lost parents too young and all the kids were there for each other. I am so proud of everything that they accomplish! :)

There are still good kids out there, I know because I have the honor of knowing some!

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