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I told him I'd do it, and I did.

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For once, Bobbi and Shana, I am totally innocent, though mighty tempted at times.. They Truely are Shingles.. I saw my Dr. today and he sent me for a innoculation, because of my health problems. Of course Medicare nor Tricare for life would pay anything.. pricy stuff.. $205.00 one shot.. but we hope I'll be safe now.

He really looked worse a few days ago with his eye nearly swollen shut..

Now, how many thought I was guilty instead of just joking?? LOL..


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Sweet Rita--

Yep, that looks like shingles and it is very much more serious on the face/head. Please cart Roland to an MD for diagnosis and meds. Once it is at this stage, anti-virals are too late but pain meds may be prescribed. My sis had a bout this summer and the info on the internet is scarey--realizing that they always put worst-case for diagnosis out there. Migrating to the eyes is dangerous, and I won't scare you with further complications--just a heads-up.

Poor Roland!

We knew you didn't do this with your famous chainsaw, Rita!

I posted before you gave the MD information--glad to see you and Roland are both taken care of. Love ya!

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Oh Rita...I new you were joking and would never hit your man but I just wanted to know what happened to him. The shingles. So sad. My very good friend, Teddy, who is 82 years old got the shingles and he's had it for at least 2 months...he is not recovering as fast as I had hoped and he's really down in the dumps. I call him on the phone often to check in but I've never heard him this depressed. I am very worried about my Teddy. :( He lives in Anchorage so very far (360 miles) from me or I would take care of him myself. Give Roland a hug and take Linda's advice. You don't want to mess with Shingles and it can take a toll on the elderly like my Teddy Bear.

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It seems there are times when we are surrounded with illness, and it's especially difficult to deal with when it's so close to home. Rita, I didn't know you had such an ornery streak!;)

Tell Roland himself, we wish for his speedy recovery. Take care and keep us posted with his progress.

I sure hope the "shot" you received is worth the moolah you paid for it. Only time will tell.

Try to look on the bright side and keep looking ahead. We're here for you if you need us.

Prayers for sure.

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I'll put the kisses on a tray and turn the vacuum on to blow.. from across the room.

He's had these shingles for over a week and been on meds for nearly that long.. for once he didn't play the big strong man that doesn't need to see a Dr. for a pimple.. until he couldn't open his eye.. Both under good care..

I read up on the side effects, the problems, what to watch for, the whole bit, when he told me his diagnosis. Thank goodness I didn't touch him when I saw the blisters...

And YUP, I do have quite an ornery streak just ask MerrillH and mrmqlts

and Ye old Forrest.. um DeLoa, Dave, Jody Robison, Jessica,

and he was told he was lucky to get them on the head where he doesn't have clothing rubbing on it all the time. He says he has no pain and very little itching.. praying it stays that way.


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I knew ya didn't do it!!!! Thanks God!

I was just wondering if the black line you drew on his face keeps it from spreadin'. LOL

It must be an epidemic, my friend Dora told us yesterday she has them too!!! I thought they were a stress thing and that they aren't contageous. (sic)? Linda? Are they really? Goodness!

Rita - take care of that sweet man and YOU too!

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Hey Rita

Hope Roland gets better soon. That looks awful sore and I would never believe you could do that to him. Your bark must be much worse than your BITE!! Take good care of that hubby or yours, he is a keeper. Anyone who will get involved with your hobbies must really love you alot. Mine just stays out of my way and says yes DEar, Yes Dear alot!! LOL

The good part is he never batts an eye or questions what I buy or brings home or what arrives at the door by UPS/ Fed X.

He knows I love what I do and as long as I don't interupt his football he is a happy camper.

Hope to see you soon. Jeanne

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ROFL the black line is on the pict. not on himself, and I still didn't get around some in his hair.. we don't see any new ones yesterday or today, so are hoping it's coming to an end.

kreacher, he wont turn his head the other way so I can.

Jeanne, I wish he would get some hobbies of his own.. he has none, nor any friends to go visit or have come here to visit.

This is what the Mayo Clinic has to say about shingles.. :

The reason for the encore is unclear. But it may be due to lowered immunity to infections as you grow older. Shingles is more common in older adults and in those who have weak immune systems.

The weak immune systems is why Dr. O told me to go get the shot.


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April, yes, I actually did make the robe for him. He loves it, wears it almost every day and has a nice longer one, brand new one, hanging in the back of his closet.

He says he's feeling fine and he's not found any new ones today either, so hoping we are coming to the end of them.

I love the joking aorund, and fire wood.. that s one I can use to burn the hair off his legs, too.


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One year I made myself a fleecy robe, then my daughter wanted one, and then my husband decided it would be good to have a heavier robe for winter. At the time he was still a smoker and would have to go outside because of my allergies. Of course he still reeked of smoke on that nice, warm robe.

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Shingles is NOT contageous as shingles, that is. Shingles occurs only in people who have previously had chicken pox. Chicken pox is caused by the herpes simplex virus and the virus stays in your body the rest of your life. If you have not had chicken pox, you could catch chicken pox from someone who has shingles. Shingles usually happens in people who have a low immune system and/or a chronic disease, or are taking steriods on a regular basis. As a cancer nurse, I often see shingles in cancer and chemo patients.

Sorry for the lecture...it's the nurse in me, I guess.:P

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No problem Jeanne4378.. Thats good to know. they do say that shingles can spread if someone touches the stuff.. that oozes out of the blisters... I won't let him near me. LOL>.. I've low immune and am on steroids to keep living.. yup.. don't toucha da wifie.. and I'll take the shot over shingles.

Himself saw the Dr. today and he seems to think Roland is pretty well over them, just the scabs to come loose. He still insists it doesn't hurt unless he bumps them, and I notice he's wearing his sleep apnea mask and sleeping on that side of his face/head.. so can't bother much. He finished his meds today.. was told to keep an eye out for anything new.


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