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Report on step daughter's surgery in New Orleans

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Today my step daughter had her double mastectomy with a full reconstruction. She did not have cancer but carried the gene for it. They used her own tissue from her abdomen. She got a tummy tuck out of the deal but oh boy was it ever a big surgery. She went under and 7:00 a.m. and got out at 3:30. she has a pain pump and is resting comfortably. Thank you for your prayers. She will be in for 3-4 days more and we will be here for 10 days. Isn't it amazing that science can find out these things and then we have to make very hard decisions. I think it is much better than getting a real cancer diagnosis if you know it is in your family. If you have a mother, grand mother or many aunts that had breast cancer especially the early onset kind before 40 then you might consider getting genetic testing to see if you are carrying the gene.

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Your stepdaughter will be in my prayers. I know this was a hard decision and I think for her she made the right decision. I have talked this same thing over with my doctor as my Mom and two sister have had breast cancer, although it was not early onset and they have all survived it so far, Mom 13 years and two sisters 8 and 4 years. I am the only other female in the family and did consider surgery, but am at this point just paying very close attention to it .. with 2 mammograms a year.

My mother and one sister have been tested for the gene and although it was not the exact gene they were looking for they both had some undetermined gene. I have not been tested and likely won't at this point. I fully understand her decision and praise her for going thru with it. She will be in my prayers for sure. Give her a big hug for all of us and tell her we are praying for her. Jeanne

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Cheryll, Blessings about for your step daughter. I am so glad to hear all is going well... it is not a hard decision to make, and can imagine the mental relief she will have now with it all over with.

Prayers continue for the whole family and her speedy continued recovery.


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