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Back in the Saddle, Again (FINALLY!)

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Probably most of you will have a hard time identifying with this, but last Sunday was the most fun I've had since September of 2007! Two laminectomies later (first one didn't last; the second was just in November), I was finally able to ride. It was terrific. No pain...except for my face which was aching from smiling so much:D

This is a picture of me (aka Tubby) on Socks (aka Tuna) after our measely 4 mile ride. Gotta start somewhere, right? If you don't ride, just think of this as my first successful feather attempt: Not great, but not bad;)


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You guys are too funny! Actually, Shana, my butt wasn't sore at all, but we only went 4 miles. Ask me again this Monday how my butt feels as I plan to ride at least 12-16, depending on weather.

Yep, Socks is full Arab. We usually do endurance rides, and Arabs are the best for that sport. Socks is a conformational nightmare, but he's so comfortable and doesn't have any "buck" in him. Since the doctor ordered me not to fall off, I figured I'd better star with him.:P

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Enjoy your ride this weekend. Sounds like fun. I haven't been on a horse in about 5 years. Oh, how I miss it. I am jealous now! I am gonna get back to quilting. Is your weather nice there? It is cold and windy here. We might see snow next day or so, thunderstorms for sure. Have fun Dory.

You look great on horseback!

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Originally posted by DoryJM

......Socks is a conformational nightmare, but he's so comfortable and doesn't have any "buck" in him. Since the doctor ordered me not to fall off, I figured I'd better star with him.:P

He's a cadillac, not a corvette.

Aww! Who cares if Socks doesn't exactly fit all the specifications and criteria conformations for a "perfect" Arabian... it's his heart that's big and he loves his mom. :) He's a good boy. I think he's pretty. I love that big white blaze down his nose. And those sock! Yes the socks!! I can tell by the look on his face that he is so excited to go for ride with you. :)

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"DFO"...I like that!! I think it will become my mantra:D

Shana, we actually talk about Socks being a cadillac because he is so smooth. :) His conformational flaws have to do with how he carries himself (head high, dipped back) and his dropped pasterns. He can do a 50 with coaxing, but multi-days are not good for him. However, he is so smooth that he's absolutely perfect for me right now. And he does love going back out with the herd and rolling and rolling, like he just finished a marathon ride. Its pretty funny!

Kristin, I think our weather is supposed to be "okay." It was windy and cold on Sunday, but I didn't notice it while riding. We might have something coming in this Sunday, but hopefully it won't be much. And if we make it out there next June for the Shellbourne Multi-Day, you'll have to come out for a ride.

LittleShoes, you are so right. Everying is perfect in the world when you're on a pony. One of my most favorite rides was a few years back on my mare, Elly, in about 3 inches of snow. It was so quiet, except for the horses' breathing...pure magic:)

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I'm so tickled for you! I was just out for a walk through our pasture with my old dog Duke and my husbands hunting dogs Babe and Patches and Winnie, Star, and Black Jack, my horses, all had to come and see me. So then I had to give them some treats when we all got back to the barn. I love animals and the outdoors. It soothes the soul. Have fun with your ponies!

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I so am wishing I hadn't left Reno about now...I'd pull my boots on and come play with you....although you would have let me have Socks...its been almsot 30 years since I sat a saddle last. So I would need a pillow for the Booty....

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I'm just so thankful you have healed and are once again able to go astride and enjoy the 4 legged critters... use to ride a bit, wasn't able to keep it up for several reasons.. do love the outdoors, when I can, my speed now is slow cane or mobility go-go cart, or just slow me. doesn't stop me from enjoying thrills others have, so I'm glad you shared it with us.. dfo, just dso (do slide off)


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Hi Holly, I'm just the opposite from you. I didn't get my first horse until I was 35. I'm so totally hooked now that I can't imagine life without them.

Robin, I'm glad to see you still have Winnie, Star and Blackjack. Are you able to keep them? Before the doc released me to ride, I went down to the pasture every day for a pony fix. Its lovely just hanging out with them.

Bonnie, I don't have any booty pillows, sorry. Buck up, girl!! However, you can't see the sheepskin cover on my saddle seat;)

Rita, Its good that you're still able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. You take care of yourself. (hugs)

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