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Lancaster here I come! -HOME!

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I'm officially on vacation and heading to Lancaster in the morning with my guild mates! We're ready for 3 days of fun and lots of shopping. The gal that organizes this thing has our itinerary all set-up. Bus leaves at 6:30 am and our first stop is around noon time! We have two stops along the way and then hotel check-in by 5 pm. Then show on Friday with more on Sat. plus more shops on the way home. I won't get back until 9:30 or so Sat. night and I'm sure by then I'll be exhausted and a little more poor! LOL I can't wait. I won't have a computer either! Not even going to take it. That would give my boss permission to contact me for some kind of emergency! NOT! I need a few good days away.

Hopefully I'll get some great pics while I'm gone.

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Just go right ahead and rub it in, Heidi, just don't let me get behind you when you aren't looking.. ROFLMHO... I can see her now, every other step her head swivels.....

well, shoot. Guess I better wish you loads of relaxation from brain work and bosses, and lots more fun.

Talk to you soon, God Bless, Traveling Mercies for the tour, and remember where home is..


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Heidi is definately going to Lancaster, PA. We spoke about meeting up, but we will not be there the same days. I only live about 90 minutes from Lancaster, if you use the PA Turnpike. I use smaller roads because they are scenic and also lots of great shops to visit along the way. I will only be there on Sunday afternoon with a quilty friend.

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Thanks all. I had a wonderful time in Lancaster! We definitely stimulated the economy!!!! Just trying to do our part you know. We had a bus full and everybody had a wonderful time. One our older ladies ended up in the hospital overnight. She had a touch of the flu and got dehydrated. She was feeling much better and came home with us. We all felt so badly for her.

The quilts were of course beautiful and I enjoyed really looking them over. I was a little disappointed at the vendors at the show. Nothing really new and some of the vendors were older. I was also suprised at the prices on some of the patterns. They seem to be going up more and more. There were many for $15 and one of the ones I wanted was $64! yikes no fabric just a pattern. I decided to take their card and if I ever really want to make that card I'll get it. Too much for the someday quilt! The fabric prices were great. Average was around $6 a yard away from the show. The gal that organized our trip did a fantastic job. We didn't have to think about anything, just shop! My feet hurt and I'm tired but it was lots of fun!

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Welcome home - so glad you had a wonderful time.

I would imagine pattern prices are going up due to the cost of printing has gone up. Problem with this is we will buy less at the higher prices therefore the pattern makers will make less and then they'll increase their prices again to cover the loses. We have to be much more selected these days, gone is the day we breeze through our LQS and buy just because I might one day make this quilt. We all know these patterns go into a drawer of 200 other "I'm going to make this one day".

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So glad to have you back again, sore feet and all. Massage and a menthol cream does wonders for sore feet. cold water soak too. LOL.. just like an ice pack.

Glad you bought "just enough" and had a good time, and safe too. Glad the lady recovered also.


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I'm glad you had a wonderful time at the Lancaster show. I went yesterday with my friend, Cathy. We were there from 11:00-4:00 - the Sunday show hours. I was quite surprised that the show was not crowded, but I was told by a vendor that Thursday and Friday were busier than the weekend and that most vendors were pleased.

I bought 3 patterns for baby quilts and one kit for a wall hanging of a 30s dresdin plate. I also got 7 stencils from another vendor, and from Quilter's Rule I bought the Nautilus Chunky tool and the Nautilus Delta tool.

Now to find time to play with my new toys. :)

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