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I need your ideas for this little top

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When I look at this quilt, I get the feeling that it suffers from schizophrenia (SP?).

Shana, I think your job will be to make it look girly, like it should be, but it couldn't quite decide to be on its own! ( I think the maroon coloured squares/pieces are a little heavy handed and compete with the overall design.)

To compensate, I would quilt the white areas densely with feathers or flowers to draw the eyes away from the maroon and stiple/basket weave/closely crosshatch the baskets, to drop them into the backgroudnd a little more. The large maroon squares in the first border should also be densely quilted, maybe echo the basket design to detract from the brightness of the colour.

What ever you decide on doing, I am sure you will do it more than justice and your customer will be thrilled.


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I hate when they do that! Darlene Epp had a very good story earlier today about just this very thing and suggests doing drawings and let the customer decide. I would do that since she is picky and you just never know. For me I would piano key the outside border since not much is going to show on that busy fabric. You have lots of options for the background. You could McFeather, just feathers, cross-hatching, McTavishing swirls, really almost anything. For the baskets I would just SID and then stitch 1/4", 1/2" echos. In the top part you could do cc's. The red squares are great for feathered wreaths. cc the blue squares. I'll let you know if anything else pops in my head!

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Hey Shana!!! I get to hopefully return all your favours and give you an idea or two for a change. I would do a swirly curly background fill in the white. Then I would cc those vases. In the 'diamonds' I would do 'ferny leaves' to suggest they are growing out of the vase. All the squares around the centre, I would cc them all. Make sure you post pics!!!!

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Heidi thank you so much for all the info on how you draw on the quilts, I've got a Dell laptop and am looking at the Bamboo drawing tablet. Can you tell us which one you use??

Shana, I like the feather meandering in the background, basketweave in the maroon baskets and some type of flower/fern in the flower portion of the basket, the piano keys will be fine for the border. Great ideas Heidi!

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Thanks for the info Heidi, lucky you to be able to choose the best!

I ordered the Bamboo tablet yesterday, it looks relatively straight forward to use and since I PPP with markers my drawing is much better than it used to be!

My DH had me copy Shana's basket quilt, open it in paint and then I drew on it with my mouse. I can't wait to have the right tool for drawing so that I can try to do what Heidi does with all of these beautiful designs! What fun!

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