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Originally posted by Mary Beth

Originally posted by Jhend

You know, you can burn just as many calories having sex as you can at the gym! So there's your answer and your hubby will appreciate it as well.

I think I need to stop right here and start from the top...because I missed something!!

An my Dh spends 2 hours at the gym.....enough said!!;)

Oh Mary Beth the comments that could come back to you on this are endless. I will say you could cut his cardio workout out from the gym.

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Originally posted by Jhend


You know, you can burn just as many calories having sex as you can at the gym! So there's your answer and your hubby will appreciate it as well.

Trust me that doesn't help the cause...have you been talking to my husband...did he pay you to post? I wish it were that simple!

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Boy I started at the beginning and was going to tell you how busy I was baking cookies, trying to get my house ready for an open house this Sunday and then I go to page 3 and the topic has now switched to SEX........ Covering my ears now, don't need to go there ....LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa :D:D:D:D OK, taking cookies out of the oven ...life can get boring when sex isn't in the picture. :)

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Originally posted by Bonnie

Originally posted by DoryJM

I may actually get to take some horses from a crazy guy and get them a good home tomorrow...I'm hoping!!

Are these the same ones we talked about over 9 months ago.....I too hope so. Good Luck...and take a Deputy with you.

Different crazy guy; those horses all got good homes after going to a rescue. I'm afraid I won't be able to do much with these horses. And a deputy is coming, but only because I promised him a milkshake when we're done.:D

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WOW - This went from "Where is everybody" to what in the @#%# are we talking about???:P:P:P You friends are always good for a giggle.

I've been busy working on grades since we only have 13 more school days and my principal said that he heard that if there was a single case of the flu previously known as SWINE:cool: we would close school for a rest of the year. So I'm wondering can't someone get a mild case - sooon?:o

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13 more days....wow you guys must start early and not have the many weeks off that we do here in New York. Siana still have about 6 weeks left, her last day is June 16th. But she gets a week off for Christmas, a week in Feb, a week in April and many 3 and 4 day weekends....

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Heidi - did you get all those sugar cookies made? I love starfish - Boy keeping all those points from breaking off will be a challenge. If I were baking them, I'd be eating the broken ones - there would probably be a few more than normal LOLOL:D

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I have to have a twin size triple irish chain pieced and done by June 8th. I have some of the strips cut......here where I beat you..... she is my niece! I have known for 18 years that she is graduating. But I always think I can take on just one more thing and then get that done and Then get the other project started. Unfortunately, the older I get the harder it is to keep up adding on all these other projects.

I think I need to learn to leave some space in my life!

Here's to "space":P:P:P:P Now if I can learn how to not feel quilty about leaving "space":( Ok my thought for the week will be "yahoo to guilt free space" anyone want to join the band wagon?:cool::cool::cool::cool:

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Well I'm getting ready to start baking. I'm about an hour behind where I wanted to be but that is ok. The brides mom just called and now there is a problem with the reception hall. They originally told us that we could get into the hall anytime before the reception that we wanted. Things have changed. Now we can't get in until 3 - 5, the reception starts at 5. Well that presents a problem since we'll be at the church! LOL I told her it will work out and I'll come up with an arrangement. I think she is ready to jump over the cliff!

Baking sugar cookies is a piece of cake, well sort of. I hope the come out as good as my testers did. I'm going to make 120 of them so that is 10 doz. I better get moving. The chocolates are almost all done! Yippee!

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Heidi, You are my choice for the Donna Reed award! You make stunning quilts, and are doing all of this baking for the wedding. Are you making the wedding party dresses, doing the flowers and performing the ceremony in your spare time? LOL.

I am doing some nostalgia sewing this week. I have a quilt top that my grandmother and aunt made about 70 years ago. It's one of those butterfly appliques that I think every one must have made back then. I am finally getting enough courage to quilt it. I also was cleaning out boxes in my garage this week and found some dresden plates that I started as a wedding present for my sister about 28 years ago!! My sewing life took a detour into smocking, French machine sewing, and Irish Dance costumes while I raised my daughters. I thought that project had been lost in a move years ago. I plan to finish them up and decide whether or not to give it to her, since her marriage is currently falling apart. Don't know if giving her something that was started as a wedding present would be a good idea. I suppose we could call it "New Beginnings".

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You are funny! I'm exhausted! I got the mock cake done up and pleased with the fondant. Fondant is not something that I like so I really had not used it a lot. It is fussy and takes some playing with. I feel confident now that I can create a nice wedding cake! I baked 200 sugar cookies and my daughter sorted them out and picked out the best 120 to do for the wedding. Looks like the guys at work will have some treats again. They love to eat my testers! My daughter took some cake to work last week and they said they would be willing to take anything I have leftover! LOL I have all the chocolate shells made too and just have to dust them to give them some shimmer. I really wanted to have the cookies frosted but I'm just plain too tired to do more today! Hopefully I'll have it all done by this weekend. Then I have to make a quilt for her mother. It was a nice to have so I'm not stressing if it doesn't get done. The wedding stuff is more important!

I agree with Bonnie and Shana don't tell her it was for her wedding gift! She will cherish it I'm sure!

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Hell Everybody. I have been MIA for the past week, sorry. Had 2 king size Quilts with quilted Pillow Shams to do from scratch, quilt and mail, a quick request for a lap Quilt for a dyeing Aunt, started and finished in a day, made my monthly run to drop off and pick up Quilts. Helped DH put a roof over the deck, went quading, had a BBQ, and tomorrow I have to start quilting on 12 customer Quilts.

Have not had time to play with my Circle Lord, need to adjust my machine, it shakes and rattles still. DH going back to work Tuesday for 14 days (thank goodness the house will be mine again) and I can concentrate on those things that need doing.

Sold a record number of Quilts in my Etsy Store in March and April and have not time to make new ones. Well, at least I can say "I am busy"

So, I just skimmed the thread and caught a glimpse of "sex and cookies", gonna go back and see what i missed, that sure is a weird combination. I like sex and a smoke!!

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Monika, You are too much! I am so impressed with your moto--vation and drive. How do you do it? Oh, yeah, you said your husband was going back to work--does he leave home for two weeks at a time? My cousin's husband is a tugboat captain on the Columbia River and works two weeks on/two weeks off. She loves it when he's gone!

Did you take a picture of the "dyeing" Aunt's quilt-in-a-day? (If you meant she's ill, I'm sorry.) I'd love to see what you did. I'm looking for one of those quickie kind.

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