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Judges comments at Paducah

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I got my quilt back from Paducah and there was generally a very nice comment BUT I am a bit peeved about the area for improvement... I pay careful attention to what the judges say so I can improve but on this occasion I was a bit exasperated:

" ...need to improve a ragged and uneven zigzag stitch"...

I always choose to do applique using my Husqvarna with my favourite, small and deliberately ragged zigzag stitch!! It looks folksy and I love it!:cool:

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Some people have no appreciation for our poetic license. "It must be done by the book, or else. . ."

Artists are a unique lot.

The pictures in your Flickr album aren't close enough to see the zigzag stitches, but if I picture it correctly in my mind, the judge probably wanted a satin stitch?

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Being at the judges mercy is a pain isn't it....obviously they didn't realize there was a ragged zigzag available to use. And if you send that someplace else it will either be totally overlooked or praised for the folksy look.;)

I just wish they would all get on the same band wagon and not put personal spins on their judging....

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I have had a local, small town area judge tell me that I needed more quilting in one of mine. She had no clue what the batting was or what quilting requirements it took or the look we wanted on that quilt.

It would be nice if they judged on the work that was done, not the look they like for their own items.

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I think it was Sue Patten who told us in class that if you enter a show and the judge objects to what you have done because it is new and different, Don't stop doing it just because it is new or different to them. That is how her thread painted quilts were judged in the beginning, as they were new and not seen as politically correct in the quilting world at that time. Now it is a whole new concept as are many other techniques. So do what you like and don't change because a judge interprets it as a flaw!!

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In teaching we are evaluated 4 times a year, every year, by an administrator or someone from central office. There are always two or three positive comments and always two or three needs to improve comments. I can look through my stack of evaluations and see that what one wants me to improve, another calls a strength.

When I asked somebody about this they said, "Well, they have to write something down in the needs to improve (even if you've done a perfect lesson":P

Don't take it to heart Linzi. It was just all they could think of to write because everything else was SO perfect.

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Originally posted by sewlinzi

" ...need to improve a ragged and uneven zigzag stitch"...

This is how I took the comment: Maybe the judge wanted it to be much more ragged and uneven than you already had this??? ;) So, you should work to improve making your "deliberate" ragged and uneven zig zag so it's very exaggerated, very uneven, very wonky! :D:P

How's that for a different perspective??

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Judges are not infallible and they don't always 'get it'. My friend made a story quilt a la Mary Lou Weidman with deliberately wonky blocks around the border. She actually got a judges comment about her patchwork points not meeting correctly. Well, DUH! Keep doing what you're doing, Linzi. Your quilt made it into the Paducah show and that's like a ribbon in itself! Nancy in Tucson

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Judges are not infallible and they don't always 'get it'. My friend made a story quilt a la Mary Lou Weidman with deliberately wonky blocks around the border. She actually got a judges comment about her patchwork points not meeting correctly. Well, DUH! Keep doing what you're doing, Linzi. Your quilt made it into the Paducah show and that's like a ribbon in itself! Nancy in Tucson

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I can only echo the comments above, Linzi.

Your quilt is lovely and it made the show... how it is judged?! that is purely up to the judges on the day. Different judges will have different criteria on different days (Note Teresa's comments!!:P) And I totally agree with Shana!! Maybe more raggedness will be better?? ;)

In the end, we do make these quilts for ourselves, and to ourselves we need to stay true!! Keep on doing what you are doing and remember, we love your work and are inspired by it... let your "quirkiness" (is there such a word?) and love for the ART Rule!


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Sometimes the judges don't get it. They are coming from a completely different place. I was a judge's helper at Vermont Quilt Festival and could only read what the entrant said about their quilt if I was asked. Take it with a grain of salt. Keep doing what you want.

I give you a lot of credit to enter in Paducah.


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Linzi, don't forget you got IN!!! Paducah is very tough from what I understand.

There is a whole conversation going on in another chat group about this right now! As our own Kimmy B has pointed out to the other group, "If you love it and it makes you happy, what the H*** do you care what the judges say?" Now I understand about structural criticism, and trying to get better and learn from their comments; but as I understand it, some of the comment were meant for another quilt. And accidentally got put on the wrong one. One judge made a comment about the use of red squares, and there was NOT any red in the quilt. ??? Go figure.

I, personally think your quilt was way over the top beautiful, and it gets MY blue ribbon!!!:P:P

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I'm not actually upset about the comments, just vaguely amused that they did not realise my applique stitch was meant to look like that (it is just one on the menu of my machine but made smaller) and was not badly done! I am still thrilled that my quilt even got there at all.

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Linzi - Your quilt is STUNNING! and Heartfelt! Don't let the judges get you down! Sometimes the creativity just flows, and it did for you on this quilt!

AND, on my Storm at Sea, "Dawn" quilt, THEY decided that my color changes were too "abrupt"! Which is (like you) exactly how I designed it!!!

Some times the judges just don't get the bigger picture either... they sure didn't with yours.

OH well, I'm not really very competitive anyway...

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Linzi, I just love looking at your quilts. You have such a great talent. I agree with everyone else, don't let any ole judge tell you how you should create. You just do it your way. I think you are a real inspiration.

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I did a color wash trip around the world and the judge commented the color should have a lot more contrast to them. What is a color wash except the colors going down a shade or two at a time. I beleive that the Judges just make some comments because they just don't understand what you are trying to do. Keep doing what you like and before you know it everyone else will be doing it also

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