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What not to do at MQS

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Let this be a lesson to all the DH's who attend MQS...when you least expect it...someone could say...."Smile, you are on Candid Camera!" :P:D

We all tried to gather around and pose with him...but we were giggling and woke him up...now that would have been a picture!!:P:D:P

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Now, it's tempting to plan to go to MQS and NOT take classes just so we can hang out in the foyer and just watch the APQS show! What a kick!

Mr. Margie, thanks for being a good sport. Man, I guess you'll never be caught napping again, huh?

MB, you had me afraid to open this thread. I thought maybe you had fallen through the roof or something! I'm glad you're in one piece and good spirits. Thanks:D

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Ha! Carmen, it sounds like you've had a few hours on the lake trolling. It's almost as boring as jigging spoons - when the fish aren't biting, that is.

At least I'd know that with you and Margie back at the house, I'd be safe from quilters pulling pranks. Now if I can just trust Mike...

Bonnie, Margie has long ago put up the rolling pin. She found out that nothing will help, so she just puts up with me as best she can.

And remember Donna, what goes around comes around.


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That is how we woke him up. When we gathered around for the "group" picture, we were all about to roll, it was just too much. Another part to this story...an older gentleman walk up to him at that moment and said, "You don't have to take this kind of stuff, ya know!" :P:D

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