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NQR boss appreciates me

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So I guess my boss now appreciates me. LOL sometimes we really butt heads and I don't back down easily but he just gave me a gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond for $100!!!!! I was shocked. I stayed last night to help with his rush job which had nothing to do with my center or my duties. He was named acting director of another center that is a huge mess and he really doesn't have the time but he is a worker! Any who they have a person that has a much higher title than mine and obviously doesn't know how to handle things when it is in crisis mode! Had I not stepped in I'm sure he would have been in the ER! I think he clearly saw how much extra I do for him that he had not previously noticed. He got his report in just in time and was so thankful. I can't believe he took the time to stop and get me a gift card. It is nice to be appreciated so I thought I would share a positive because it really has been a horrible week! Now if I could get him to put a quilting machine in one of our labs life would be heaven!

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Heidi, I'm so glad for you, I know from our chats that you richly deserve the card, plus about a dozen more. I know there are times you do work for 3 or 4 others as well as your own, because they don't get it done.


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The verbal "KISS" gifts are way more meaningful when they are given from a boss...who always does say thank you, but really really appreciates something. I'm sure with you being gone two weeks things were a bit more hectic for him than they would have been if you had been there, which made him really really think. Then you staying and fixing things just made that appreciation sink that much further in.

"Atta Girl" for the atta girl.

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That's awesome! I'll just bet he's actually noticed before, but was not aware that he did... I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but subconciously we do that sometimes... I am so happy he finally acted upon that thought!

But then we all think you're awesome, so how could he possibly not?

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You all are so kind. Honestly I think my boss just thought that I did a good job but nothing exceptional. Honestly what I did last night was not that big of a deal but what he did realize was that the things I do on a regular bases go above and beyond what others in my position do and until he had a direct comparrison he really hadn't realized that. It is super nice that I got the gift card but hearing that he appreciates and recognizes it is all the better! LOL I had just gotten done pointing out those things that I was shocked had not been already thought of and how it should never have been his problem in the end. The gal that is the "Administrative Director" has been here for a long time and in fact had my job at one point. She has never liked me. Most believe it is because she is intimidated by me! LOL now how does that happen :P:P:P:P! She had a different position and was always giving me a hard time. I don't personally care what anybody's title is, I tell it like it is no matter. General, President, Director, I don't care if you want my opinion I'll give it! LOL she is more wrapped up in the title and doesn't dig in and do the work. I really think my boss was shocked at how little she was able to problem solve for this whole thing. Just knowing that gives me great joy!!!!! Evil huh? I'm always amazed to know how others don't do their job but always come out on the right side. She always blames others when things don't go right. I try very hard to put myself in the others shoes and not ask them to do something I'm not willing to do myself! All in all it was a very rewarding morning!

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Now if I could get him to put a quilting machine in one of our labs life would be heaven!

This is your next agenda, Heidi. Keep doing what you're doing and next time her offers you the gift card, bargain with him.:D:D:D

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Originally posted by Boni

Now if I could get him to put a quilting machine in one of our labs life would be heaven!

This is your next agenda, Heidi. Keep doing what you're doing and next time her offers you the gift card, bargain with him.:D:D:D

Boni I just need to invite him to my studio, none of these guys can resist a well built machine no matter what it does! We specialize in robotics and automation so maybe they can come up with something new!

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