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Has this happened to you?

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Okay, I was just cleaning the bobbin area of my Millie with canned air and the straw on the can flew off and went right INTO the machine :o It managed to fly right into that space around the outside edge of the back wall the the bobbin assembly is attached too.

Is there anything important back there that i should worry about??

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Yes, it happened to me about 6 months ago. No problems at all. I was quite shocked, to say the least when it happened. I got replacement straws from 3-M, the maker of my canned air. Now, I am very, very careful when I use canned air. I think mine shot into the same space you are describing...mint to the left side on the bottom. I figure it is stuck in some oil and grease in there.

Please let us know if you hear there is anything to be concerned about.


APQS Liberty

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I don't know how the Millies are set up or the others machines, but my older one has a bead of silicone down the seam so the lint and yucky stuff doesn't get blown back there....I just reach back there with a rag and wipe off the excess....

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Interesting...... this has never happened to me - not yet anyhow.. ;) ..... When I empty a can, I have saved a couple of straws in the tool box for "just in case". Not sure what is back there, or how deep it goes. I wish I had some of those really LONG Q-tips like from the Doc's office.... mabye a pipe cleaner would work??

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I"m so glad i'm not the only one that this has happened too!!

Oh, maybe i'll try a pipecleaner and see what i can 'catch' back there.

Yes, i do agree that blowing air is probably not the best method but that is what i was taught by the APQS rep. I would never use the canned air on my DM, that i vacuum and still when i take the bottom off my Janome i can fill a sandwich bag with fluff every year. But that was when i was quilting 40 quilts on it a year...i can't believe i use to do that...i LOVE my Millie!!!;)

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You girls need to get an air compressor, I have a 1 HP 2 gal Craftsman from Sears that I got on sale $99. free shipping and I would never go back to canned air. Saves you a lot of money in the long run and is more powerful. Sits right under my machine.:D (No straws to loose)

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Although this has never happened to me, I can see how it could. I'm going to look into the small compressor idea!

But save those straws from your cans of air and WD40! I put one inside the top of each of my quilt guild name tags to keep them from folding over when they are hanging around my neck! It's the perfect size stiffener! Just punch a little hole in the backing of your name tag, slide the straw in, then make a few stitches across to keep the straw from dropping down.

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I haven't had that happen but now I am going to be soooo careful.

I have an air compresser for filling tires. My tractor and wheelbarrow tires are always losing air. Could I use that or is there a special type of compressor that you need? Thanks for any information you can help me with.


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I quit using the canned air because it's not powerful enough to clean out the dust and goo really good from the bobbin area.

So, I had a gift certificate for Sears so I used it to buy a small air compressor. I cannot say how much I love my air compressor. Of all the tools I have purchased, my air compressor is by far hands down the best investment I have made. It is powerful enough to blow out around the nooks and crannies in and around the bobbin and wheels and all over the place. I have the Sears Craftsman smallest model that's just the right size and was around $100.00 if I recall. The home improvement stores have all sizes, too. Look for sales.

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Hummm......I think my DH might be getting a small air compressor for Father's Day now!!:D And of coarse i'll be happy to store it for him in my quilting studio.

I have been searching the web and found one for $99 CDN at Canadian Tire so i'm sure it will go on sale. I"ll be watching the flyers now.

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I do not use canned air, it's expensive and has lots and lots of moisture in it. I have a small compressor which you can get almost anywhere. The compressor will cost you less in the long run. You can probably get on for about the same price as 15 cans of air. :cool:

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