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Sad Day

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This is really out of left field, but... 31 years ago I got married and moved to a new area, began teaching Special Ed. in a very small school district in Iowa. I taught with several people whose example really helped me be a much better teacher. One of the best was a football coach who helped me motivate my high school age students to work hard, so they could participate in football.

He never turned a student away, if they were making the effort in school. His name was Ed Thomas, and he taught at Parkersburg High school. He had been there all these years, a true teacher, coach, community leader. They had a tornado that leveled the town and school last year, he made sure things were up and running that fall for school.

Today he died at the hospital where my sister in law works, he had been shot by a former student this AM in the weight room of the temp. school.

I was surprised to see his story on national news today, my SIL had emailed me it happened. I am so sorry such a wonderful person, with a lifetime of good, is dead.

Pat :(

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I saw that on TV this afternoon. My heart goes out to his family and all who loved him. School teachers don't get paid that much compaired to other professional careers. Good teachers and coaches do it for the kids. I know you all will miss him and the impact he had with all those kids. So, so, sorry. The news didn't say why he was shot. Does anybody know, will anybody really ever know?

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Oh Pat, I JUST saw this on the news not 15 minutes ago. I am so sorry! When I heard it, I just couldn't believe it!! That's not the line of work where you would worry about your hubby coming home or not. It is just so sad! I am praying for the family and all the people that he touched! So sorry!!! linda

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What a horrible way to end a wonderful life. It's beyond comprehension why someone would do this to one of the good guys. My hope is that Ed Thomas's legacy as a positive role model is perpetual and that good humanity will result from this tragedy. I am sure someone like Ed would want that. I can't imagine the large empty hole that is left in many people's lives.

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My heart goes out to you and his family. I agree, teachers do not get paid enough. Sad to say that in these times teachers take their lives into their own hands each day they walk into a classroom. I have a friend who is a teacher and not one week goes by that someone doesn't pull a knife or other weapon on him (high school principle).

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As an Iowan, this has been on the news for two days....we are all in shock...luckily the guy didn't turn the gun on the 50 students in the weight room. But the best news is the man was a very strong Christian and knew Jesus Christ as his personal savior, he's in heaven now probably coaching football! This has to be a very comforting thought to his family. We are all praying for the family, the school kids, the community, and the man who killed him.

Thanks to the forum folks here for prayers


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