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Art Quilt on blog - whole dragon now up

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Ferret, He (your dragon) IS AWSOME! OMG!

I cant wait to see the whole thing when you are done with it!

Honey, it's AWARD WINNING Stunning, the colors are Perfect, the stitching (from what I can see so far) is DEAD ON...etc!

I see this quilt with a ribbon on it in every quilt show! You hear me?????????!!!!!!


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Oh he's really cool looking....or is it a she?? ;) Perfect batik for the green dragon skin, too. I wonder if he/she will have big sharp teeth or flames??? Is she guarding a medieval castle in the northern part of England? And, is this a nice dragon or a mean dragon? Maybe she's a mean one but becomes nice after she trusts you? (like in the movie Shrek) I see a small hit of "nice" in the eyes, but imagine she can be mean if you push her in the corner or instinctivly she doesn't trust you. The eyes say everything, don't they? Can't wait to see more. Love your work Ferret.

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She is how you make her :) So yes if you're nice she's nice, if not...oh dear. She will be guarding a gallery in Birmingham and yes she has teeth and claws, and all dragons can breath fire if they want to :)

I've just taken a break from trimming dragon toe nails. The things I get to do :)

I've also just had a series of questions from the guy who has to build my stand at the show. Apparently I have provided him with some challenges. They did say I could be different and gave me some ideas of what is possible. I think I took them up on everything and now they have to work out how to actually build it.


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Thanks Shana, I was too tired to play with it. I was working on this till gone 2am then had a full days teaching today. I took it to work with me to get this picture, but it was a bit sunny and I had to use my phone so I can only post it to my blog. Bed now I have a customer quilt I need done by 3pm tomorrow and it's 80"x94". I see an early morning in my future.


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