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HELP - I am Everything Longarm Quilting Addicted

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Is anybody else "everything-longarm-quilting-addicted" ??

My husband told me the other day that he has a hard time getting me to do any work that isn't related to my quilting!

I laughed...and then agreed with him!

It is not good since I am a primary part of our business. He needs me to get my work done to make his work go smoothly.

Maybe he should start quilting with me...then he would understand!

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I'm the same as all the rest of you! I just love creating and challenging myself. I really want to be down working on my machine and finishing up my Quiltazoid sample but hubby wanted me to come up and watch a movie with him. I am watching but boy I really would much rather be quilting! I was really hoping to have all the designs stitched tonight but it is not to happen! 6 more block areas to go and then I need to stipple all the background areas and then I'll be able to bind it and then I can show you all! I'm having so much trying out the QZ and figuring out how to optimize it.

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Is there life after quilting?:D

This summer has been different for me because I've had the opportunity to "get out" and see the state of Oregon, shop hopping and mini-retreat, camping with the kids/grandkids, yard work (fun), and some other traveling. I'm home for a while and I just love walking into my studio and seeing all the toys I get to get back to. I see "my business" taking a new and refreshing route and I'm hoping for new horizons. "My business" is definitely quilting and I love every minute of it and everything about it. I think I actually bore my non-quilty friends because they don't usually ask about it anymore. They know that once I open my mouth, it's QUILT, QUILT, QUILT.:P


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I will tell you just how bad it is. My girlfriend, Gloria, who just go her Freedom SR ordered an extended base. When it came today it was the wrong one and she cried. How addicted is that. I am just as bad. I have been working on a show quilt of my own. When I saw brown spots on the back from the upper thread I cried. If the world would just go away and let me quilt or read about it or talk about it or design quilts or whatever!!!!!!

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

...QA/QC.....soils sampling and concrete testing.......I am a Materials Engineer ....

QA/QC.... oh Yes... OK this is so cool. I was a little curious what your "other" profession was besides being a QA/QC "mom" and QA/QC "quilter" now I know the rest of the story! :cool:

Originally posted by yankiequilter

Kristina, when you are piecing or quilting you are still a Materials Engineer! :D:D:D

That's cute. How clever.

So... Kristina, next time your DH questions why you aren't doing your Materials engineering, just tell him that fabric is a material, too...hehehe Show him a fabric swatch under the microscope. :P Tell him you doing some scientific tests on various samples. LOL.

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It's an obsession!! I wake thinking of quilting and fall asleep thinking of quilting and now with the longarm its worse!! Its kills me leaving each morning with so much quilting to do!! I plan family vacations and the routes taken just happen to have a quilt shop right where we stop for lunch!! how does that always happen? Those non-quilter types just don't get it at all!! :P:P:P

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I tried the material (fabric) engineer line already. He laughed...then begged that I get my soils work done.

Bryson is very supportive of me...but when he needs to do his paperwork...he doesn't want to wait on me!

I shouldn't fault the guy. He did buy me my longarm and supports my obsession! Fabric/quilt/thread/needles/everything else I need. :)

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Don't you sometimes hate it when you spend the day with somekind of alluring, mystical, magical array of fabric and then you go out for the evening with NON-QUILTERS! (yes that was said in a dreaded tone).

And they aren't excited to talk about what you saw and how you could manipulate this extraordinary array into a masterpiece to be coveted for all time! They just don't get it, we make idle chatter while playing cards when really patterns and colors are dancing in my head....then someone says "why did you play that?" That is pinocle talk for "Hey dummy head, wrong card!!" Alas, the night ends and I can go to bed and dream without interuption! :P:P

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Yes, I am ADICTED. I love this forum! With my house of boys and non-quilting family (M and MIL), they just don't get it, and I know they are tired of my quilt talk (and talk, and talk, and talk...). When I feel alone, I just sign onto this forum and realize - I AM NOT ALONE!!

Thanks for this post Kristina!

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

........He even thinks I'd rather be quilting than.....:) And, sometimes he's right. LOL

Sandy! :P :P ROFLOL!

Hey, I thought I was a psycho because I actually had dreams about quilts (no kidding), and when I got my longarm, those dreams continued with actual quilting. Am I going nuts or what??

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I know that I am hopelessly addicted to quilting too--but my DH understands it and knows how my mind works. He just came back from a fishing trip and sat next to a total stranger on the bus--when the stranger said he left his wife home to do chores and be in her sewing room--guess what they started talking about--you got--their wives quilting habits!! Then on the way home they both spotted a quilt shop and laughed glad that the wives weren't there or they would have to give us "just 20 minutes". At least now my DH knows that he is not alone!!

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Originally posted by TerriVB

......Then on the way home they both spotted a quilt shop and laughed glad that the wives weren't there or they would have to give us "just 20 minutes". At least now my DH knows that he is not alone!!

Sorry but I had to comment. :D I've seen many a DH sitting on the chairs/couches in my local quilt shops looking like a bump on a log waiting for his DW to finish her shopping spree...

My DH told me a story a while back... he and his coworker were driving through town and the guy sees this sign on the side of a building and says "What the Hell is a Calico Cow?" and my DH says "It's a very expensive store and you don't want to go in there."

I shop at the Calico Cow often. He's never been inside that store before; I don't think he wants to touch it with a 10 foot pole.

One Christmas a while back, my DH asked me what I wanted for a gift and I said "Well, you could just go into the Northern Threads quilt shop and pick out anything in there and guaranteed I will like it." He never did walk in that store. He is afraid. He is very afraid. :cool:

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I have had to train my brain in another direction, but it is very, very difficult. When we go out of town, I take my sewing maching and lastes project....and all the stuff that goes with quilting. If I don't take my stuff, I scope out all the quilt stores in the area we are traveling to and put them into my GPS so I can find them once we are there without asking DH to take me. Since I am not longarming as much now, I have set up a machine and all the things I need to piece upstairs on the main floor, then I can listen to TV while I am sewing (drives DH crazy that I know what is going on - my mom use to do that to my dad too). Yes, everything is quilting....

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Oh, Kristina, you are not alone! I am a computer systems administrator by day....but all I think about is quilting! My boss is a quilter, as are several of my friends at work. I even have a sign in my office "I'd Rather Be Quilting!"...

My husband calls it "THE DISEASE". :o

Originally posted by Mary Beth

When we go out of town, I take my sewing maching and lastes project....and all the stuff that goes with quilting.

Mary Beth, I even take my quilting camping! It is the first thing I load into the camper. Mostly I take hand projects, but I do have one of my machines in the camper just in case! LOL!! :D

Face it girls, we are QUILTERS...and we wouldn't want to be anything else! May the force be with you!

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