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NQR Grandma's Pride

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I edited this post to save space. I deleted pictures since it's an old post too. Stay tuned for more pictures as they grow and change.

I just had to share these pictures. We spent a couple of days with the kids camping. This is Josey, 10 months, Anna 4, and Miranda 2.5

I wish I had gotten a picture at the beach. Miranda just loved the sand--she pretended she was swimming in it and did a face plant. She had a clown's smile covered with sand because of the leftover syrup from breakfast! Oh, I love these little girlies.


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Thanks for all the comments, and yes, they are a joy. My DD, their mom, is planning to introduce them to a vintage hand crank Singer in the next year. We have lots of work in store for them. Someone has to carry on the sewing legacy in this family. :D

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