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Hartley Fence Vs. Circle Lord

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I think the subject says it all but let me ask in a complete sentence...

I am thinking about getting the hartley fence or the circle lord but can't find any information on all their available templates.

Does anyone have a link they could share? Does anyone use either of these attachments and which one would you recommend?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer this topic.

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There has been a lot of discussion on the forum about the Circle Lord and also the Quiltazoid. I've been here just over 6 months so don't know if much has been said about the Hartley Fence before I came, but haven't read much since being here. Do a search on the forum to find previous discussions and you will find people are happy with both the CL and QZ. You will have to decide for yourself which you prefer. Here's links to all of the websites. Good luck with your decision. I have the CL and am pleased with it and the selection of templates available.




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great sale on the Circle Lord for 10 more days, I took advantage of it a few weeks ago, cant wait to try it had to finish a quilt first:mad: Next week though for sure , company this weekend. Chomping at the bit to start!!

AS far as the Hartley Fence I am sure there are lots of people who it , I have seen alot of them for sale on this website over the past year, so if you are interested you might be able to get a good deal on a used one. Quilt A Zoid is pretty knew, a few online have purchased it and had great results for a new product is it seems to be doing very well so far! yes just like machines lots of choices and it is what will work right for you. There is also the Topper from Linda and Dennis Rech, and also other pattern boards can be purchased and used with the stylus from R&S or Quilt EZ


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Matt I think the biggest difference between the CL & Quiltazoid is that the CL works only from the back of the machine, while the Quiltazoid works from the front. Also the quiltazoid does sprialgraph designs. The templates for the CL can be attached to the Quiltazoid too. I was a tester for the quiltazoid and found that it has lots of design options. I've never used the Hartley Fence.

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Matt, I have both the Hartley Fence and the Quiltazoid. I prefer my QZ over the HF as it is more versatile.

With the Quiltazoid: I love that I can work from the front of my machine. I am more comfortable in front and can place my designs exactly where I want them. I can do concentric circles, eccentric circles (circle wreaths), spirographs, and template designs that attach right to the QZ unit. I also was a tester for the QZ and am very pleased with the results that can be accomplished with it.

The Hartley Fence is terrific for circles and crosshatching. I do not have any of the cookie cutter templates for mine, so can't comment on them.

Jeanne makes a good point too about the RnS design boards. I have a few boards and love them. They work from the back of the machine with a stylus...but I find I am better with them than a pantograph. They are however more expensive than pantos...so I do not have near the number of them that I would like to have.

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All 3 are good products - the Hartley basically is a great circle maker and has some templates - not a huge assortment. I is we made, but some have found it more difficult to work with. Circle Lord has been around for quite awhile and is fantastic - I used mine a lot until I purchased the IQ. Michael (CL) is wonderful to work with and is very picky about the quality of his product. He has not developed his product for the front of the machine except for a few of his templates for specific reasons - I would call him and discuss this with him if you are interested. He would be very happy to talk to you. The quiltazoid is the newest on the market and though I was a tester, I am not able to say where they are at the moment, so I can not comment. I think the best choice for you would be to select the one that does what you want from a major accessory. Each has it's own strength.

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Matt, the CL is great and the customer service is top notch. There's a lot of stuff on You Tube showing how to use the CL. Not much talk on the Hartley Fence but a lot of people who have the Hartley sell them and buy the CL. I think the HF is really limited. I can't say much about the QZ because I don't have one but it's price is less then the other two.

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Hi Matt,

I have both and I use both. I learned a lot about my Hartley from Myrna Ficken and I have her book and DVD. I use it for Crosshatching and I have the templates that I use on the HF and also to draw on a quilt for more custom quilting. Once I learned how to use it properly I loved it. Its great for heirlooms - I use my to stitch the circle size I want and then do my feathers. I also used the diamond template alot too! Its great on customs, stich the diamonds then fill them in, I have used them on borders too!

I love my CL and have recently added to my collection of templates. Michael is wonderful and there are many people on this forum that use CL. THe templates are awesome and endless!! The long boards are great for all overs and quick too. Michael is great as everyone has said. I have a lot of fun using my CL

I have not used a Quiltizoid or the topper, but they both look interesting.

The one thing I will tell you is this... try them all, figure out what you like, if you are in business or just for your personal use, how much money you want to spend, etc.

I also have a ton of ruler too.

Aren't quilters toys great!!!!!! So many wonderful choices.

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Good Morning Matt --

I have had both the Heartley Fence and the CL. I found I had some problems using the HF so I sold it. Good product but I don't have time to fool with these things. I held off thinking the CL was too expensive but time is money and I have never had a moments problem with my CL The CL fits together tightly and is made of very strong material, and takes less than a minute to set up. Service is beyond good on the CL. I have never used the other templates available out there as I am soooo pleased with Michael and Kay, and the quality of the CL that I don't even think of going anywhere else. The smaller Aztec template that CL offers was made for me. I had a customer that liked one of the designs shown in their book but her squares were too small for the regular sized template. I called Michael and within 24 hours he had the smaller one in the mail to me With service like that, I don't go anywhere else. See if someone in your area has some of these products and see if you can check them out

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I have the Circle Lord and I second (and third & fourth) what everyone else says. I LOVE IT!! The boards are indestructible. Michael and Kay are two of the most honest people you will ever know. He even talked me OUT of buying one template:o Michael even helped me with my stitch regulator! They are always there and ready to help. I had the pleasure of meeting them at MQS in Kansas and that was a real treat!

I use my templates a LOT. People see stuff on another quilt and they want it too. My husband said the big boards were too expensive, but as my dear son pointed out; you are going to use it on a lot of quilts. And I have. They also have an easy payment plan, no interest, so it's better than using a credit card!

I have the Featherz combo, Aztec, Ginkgo, mini ginkgo, large crosshatch, Baptist Fan, Square Dance and Swirls:o I'd love to have the new Sakura one too, plus a few more!:P:P

I don't have any experience with any other products, but I sure love my CL;)

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This seems to be a good place to show you some patterns made by our new Circle Lord Spiro Thingy.

The patterns go from 4 inches to 12.5 inches. The Spiro Thingy

consists of 4 Templettes that fit on the CL Stepping Disk. With these you can make 7 sets of different of patterns as seen in the computer pattern pictures on the Circle Lord News.

The price for the Spiro Thingy is $129.00. It will be provided free with all new Circle Lord orders after our End of Summer sale ends Sept. 21. It will cost present CL owners, only $49.00, plus shipping, until March 31st, 2010.

Please watch for more pictures and description.



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When you ask HF or CL, you are not comparing apples to apples, they are different because they do different things. I agree, more of your personal investigating is need because ultimately only you know what you are looking for and the needs you are satisfying. I have the QZ and have found Linda and Adam to be amazing, attentive, professional and prompt. Service is part of their product also. Check them all out.

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I have the Quiltazoid and the Hartley Fence. Have not hardly used the Hartley Fence...I got it as a gift over 2 years ago because I wanted to do diagonal lines with it and I find it cumbersome to use (and that may just be my inexperience with it). On the other hand, I LOVE my Quiltazoid and can't say enough good about it! I agree with Kristina, Abigail and Heidi on all the pluses of the Quiltazoid. I was not a tester, but I was Linda and Adam's first purchasing customer at MQS this year. In my opinion, the only limit with the Quiltazoid would be one's imagination as far as circular/spiral designs. I am about to finish my first sampler quilt with it and I'm very happy with my purchase. Linda and Adam are just wonderful people to deal with, too. If you ever played with a spirograph in earlier years, you'd love the Quiltazoid's Spiro attachment.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It's so great to have a place to come and talk with other Long Arm quilters.

From what I see online, lots of Hartley Fence owners sell their HF's and buy CL. I also really like the looks of the QZ as it seems very similar to the CL. I would prefer to work from the front of the machine as I feel very comfortable doing freehand work and would like to integrate some new tools into my work that also work from the front of the machine.

I have been using groovy boards on the back of the HQ16 for the last year and a half. Now that I have sold it and bought a Miller, I want to be able to at the very least have access to the same designs and ease of use I found with the groovy board designs. Anything extra would really be a bonus. I love the looks of the circle designs you can create with both the QZ and CL.

That being said, I think you guys have really helped me narrow down my search. Both the QZ and CL look like they are very easy to use. Now I will look at the bonus designs I will be able to stitch using these two tools and decide which one fits my needs.

Thanks again everyone for all your help. If you think of anything else that you love about either the QZ or CL, please feel free add it to this discussion. I will be making the purchase in 2 weeks so I still have some time to consider your recommendations.

Thanks again girls! :)

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Thank you for your interest in the Circle Lord. We will not be at the Houston Show. Because we have such a lot of web based information, there is more to be learned there, than by visiting us at at show. At MQS and MQX, we don't have a machine, but use a the Circle Lady machine simulator that draws on paper with a sharpie.

No broken thread problems this way.

99% of our users never saw the CL in person. From the beginning, we said that, if you don't like the CL for any reason, you can return it within 30 days after receiving it. Only 5 have done so in 8 years.

We must have confidence in our product, or we would be crazy to give you a 12 month payment plan. So the first 30 days is like a home demo.

Send me an email, and I will send to you by email, the manual for your machine. Please name your machine model.



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