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Bobbins - prewound ?

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Hi everyone. Trying to figure out what is best for bobbins. I have a few prewound that came with my ever so gently used Milli. Thread is fine, presuming poly. What gives best results, time efficient, nicest tension? Prewound or do you wind your own? Have Janome and bobbins appear to be same but can not wind metal Millis"s on it as centres not same size. Has anyone ever used DM bobbins on Milli? If you wind your own, what thread do you use? Same as upper? Managed to wind some on DM (gently held bobbin on top of spindle with finger while winding) but found tension needed to be adjusted when bobbin was full and then readjusted when it was at half. Thanks again everyone for all your helpful advice. Happy quilting. :D

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Did you not get a bobbin winder with your purchase?

If not, I would mostly stick to the prewounds. I remove the cardboard sides before loading and have had no trouble with them whatever. I also wind my own (with the turbo bobbin winder) when necessary.

The more your practice and play with your machine, the more familiar you will get. After you've had it for a few months and become somewhat familiar, take a free class in your area with your APQS rep. Its well worth your time to do that.

Have fun!!

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I use prewounds for the convenience and the more balanced tension. I really hate winding bobbins. Once in a great while I will wind a bobbin if I don't have the color I need in a prewound. I have successfully used my DSM (Bernina). While the bobbins are different, the center hole is the same so it works.

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I have a 2003 Millie with a bobbin winder on the side of the machine. I wound bobbins with Aurifil MAKO Cotton 40 wt for years with no problem. I used the same thread on the top. I also wound Bottom Line, but only about 5/6ths full. I can use Bottom Line with just about any thread on the top. Now I mostly buy Bottom Line pre-wounds and they work fine.

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I always wound my own bobbins (tried the SuperBobs, but got gopher guts on the backs of my quilts) until I tried the Magna Glide bobbins from Fil-Tec. I had been using their Glide thread, which I absolutely love, and decided to give their bobbins a whirl (they'll send you some samples for free if you go to their site and ask). The bobbins have a magnet in the center and stay balanced in the bobbin case. They work GREAT!! They also come with a shipping label and a rebate coupon, so you can send the magnet core back for recycling. I love a company that recycles!! Check them out at: http://www.bobbincentral.com

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I never wind my own bobbins. I think the pre-wounds have more thread on them and the winding is more even. Anyway, I was using Super Bobs exclusively but now I have totally fallen in love with the Magna Glides from Fil-Tec. They maintain their tension and sew like a dream. I'm using them in "Gator" and also on my 6 needle Brother Embroidery machine. I signed up on their website and they sent me an amazing sample packet with 3 different types of bobbins, a couple large spools of thread, thread chart, stabilizer etc. I love Superior threads but these guys also know how to treat their customers. Just a word, in order to use the magna-glide bobbins you have to remove the spring in the bobbin case (no problem, it likes to pop-out anyway).

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I just signed up on the bobbin central site and they are sending me a sample kit. I love trying new threads and am anxious to try these. Thanks again for the information about these prewound bobbins. I really like the prewounds from Superior Threads and use them almost exclusively because I can get my tension just right. But I also wind my own bobbins with the turbo bobbin winder that came with my Millie and have only had problems when I tried to use King Tut in the bobbin. I do better with Bottom Line or So Fine in the bobbin.

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