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piano key border

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Depends on what tool I'm using but either way I don't usually turn for piano keys. If I'm using rulers then I use one of Pam Clarks line stencils. I find the one that will fit most evenly in the border. If I know I have to fudge I fudge in the middle so I would mark the quilt center. Now I have to say my favorite way to do piano keys is using my quiltazoid! It is so quick and no marking. I just decide if it will fit evenly or if I have to fudge. Again I'd mark the center so I'd know that when I get there I have to fudge the line in.

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Heidi, could you share how you do piano keys with your Quiltazoid please?

Originally posted by hmerrill

Depends on what tool I'm using but either way I don't usually turn for piano keys. If I'm using rulers then I use one of Pam Clarks line stencils. I find the one that will fit most evenly in the border. If I know I have to fudge I fudge in the middle so I would mark the quilt center. Now I have to say my favorite way to do piano keys is using my quiltazoid! It is so quick and no marking. I just decide if it will fit evenly or if I have to fudge. Again I'd mark the center so I'd know that when I get there I have to fudge the line in.

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I also use the channel locks for piano keys--no turning necessary.

I hesitate to admit this, but since our machines naturally want to go straight in both directions, I sometimes just nudge the machine without the locks engaged--if the border is not too wide. I love the look of beadboard--those are done with the locks on.

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Cheri--please don't hesitate to ask any questions that you might have!! I know that I was scared I had wasted my money too--but please ask questions--the QZ really is very user friendly and makes completely accurate designs!!

Again--don't be afraid to ask questions!!!

I am not Heidi--but I am thinking that she must use the crosshatching tracing template to do her piano keys--thus giving her accurate and straight lines with out having to use a ruler and possibly slipping--or having lines that are not perpindicular to each other. I have not tried this--but am sure it would work nicely. Hopefully Heidi will give us some pointer on this.


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Originally posted by TerriVB

I am not Heidi--but I am thinking that she must use the crosshatching tracing template to do her piano keys--thus giving her accurate and straight lines with out having to use a ruler and possibly slipping--or having lines that are not perpindicular to each other. I have not tried this--but am sure it would work nicely. Hopefully Heidi will give us some pointer on this.


100% correct. The cross hatching board is so versatile! I can space my keys in any way I want as long as they are 1/4" increments and if I really wanted to it would be an easy adjustment to move the arm to change the spacing, although I would have to mark little marks on my quilt to show me where to adjust. IT would still be way quicker than using a ruler!

To use the board I simply turn it so that it so that it is on a 90 degree angle instead of 45. I advance forward by stopping with my needle down in the last key (always try to stop at the outside edge of the quilt and not on the inside border but sometimes I forget) lift my stylus, advance the quilt to the next section, adjust my arm to fit the stylus in the groove and go.

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I just finished using the Circle Lord to do my piano keys (picture posted on the CL challenge post). I used the Tiles 18" template and the front stylus system. It was pretty easy and similar in process to what Heidi did with QZ by the sounds of it. But, there is only 1" increments on the template, so when I wanted to make an adjustment (to end at the right spot) I just slightly adjusted the arm.

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Hi Cheri~

As you can see, There are many ways to accomplish the same thing.

I personally do not mark or use any type of ruler!

APQS machines track very well vertically and horizontally.

I just eyeball it and go for it!!!

Sometimes I will use the Crosshatch Circles for spacing, but usually just wing it.

Find what works for you and go for it!!!!!!

Have a great day!!


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Originally posted by ffq-lar

I also use the channel locks for piano keys--no turning necessary.

I hesitate to admit this, but since our machines naturally want to go straight in both directions, I sometimes just nudge the machine without the locks engaged--if the border is not too wide. I love the look of beadboard--those are done with the locks on.

Me too :) Everything she said :)

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I am currently using my Quiltazoid to do beadboard, and it is really great. You must have the 1/4 crosshatching template, but it is very easy to use. The template just screws to the Quiltazoid, you lock it in place, and quilt your straight lines at whatever spacing you choose. (I am quilting a line, going to the next 1/4 inch groove and quilting a parallel line, skipping three grooves, then stitiching the next two and so on.

Cheri, the one thing that isn't thoroughly addressed in the instructional video or in the written instructions is the locking mechanism. (I think it is addressed in the section on pattern boards.) In order to do circles, be sure you have the wheel unlocked. It is the little metal slide that engages the disc on the QZ. There is a little knob attached to it and it is at the front of the QZ. If the lock is engaged, the QZ will not turn. The lock is for using the tracing templates when you don't want your design to shift. Hope this helps.

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Lyn, there have been several discussions about the Circle Lord and Quiltazoid. Here are the links to a couple of them. After you've read some of the previous posts and have more questions I'm sure a lot of us would be happy to answer them. It seems whichever system we have, we love it! And if you are considering purchasing one of them you have to get what you think will work best for you. I know you will be at MQS so you'll have the opportunity to see both of them.



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