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corded binding technique? - Done

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This is the extra care when making a quilt that make it a "Sharon" quilt. I personally have not done this, becasue I know me....I love the look, just don't have the energy to actually do it. I bet, from reading your posts, this is exactly the right treatment for this quilt. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

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Sharon is here this week speaking to and teaching workshops for our guild. She has a DVD for $15 which is all about the corded binding. I'm sure it is available from her website www.SharonSchamber.com or from her daughter's website...google Purple Daisies LLC. All her DVDs are great...as a subscriber to her online network, I get to watch them all (and download the ones I want). I'm looking forward to her classes tomorrow & Friday! I haven't done the corded edge but there were 2 in our quilt show this year and they were fabulous!

Nancy in Tucson

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I have access to it on the network too and I have watched it. I was just wondering if anybody here had done it and had any hints to pass along. I got 1 facing glued up and ready. 3 to go. I'll be glad to be done but I know it will be worth it. I held the one up to the quilt and it is everything I hoped it would be.

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You must be talking about something different than what I am thinking a corded binding is. Is it a binding with a piping of an accent color on the inside of the binding? what are the loops and why did you make so many yards of cording? is there a picture or link that shows what you are talking about. You got me curious now!!

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Ambitious or foolish! LOL I am loving how it is coming out though. My daughter even noted that the shape created by the two loops crossing mimicks the shape in the center medallion. I hadn't noticed that yet. She is my critical eye! I got up early and worked on it for 40 minutes before work. I'm hoping to get a little in tonight but I get Madie so I don't know how much I'll get done. IT will have to wait until she goes to bed. I'll get up early tomorrow and get some done too. Since I work at home on Friday's I won't have to deal with commuting so I should be able to get 2 hours in before work starts and Madie gets up. I'm really hoping to be able to get it all attached to the top by the time nap is over. Then I have company coming for the weekend so I need to be to the point where I only have hand work to do! Really hopingto have it all done this weekend and then all I'll have to do is to get the sleeve and label on. Then it will get photographed and finally off to MQX. April 14th is coming up soon!

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This is the one that you have been working on that is a whole cloth that is Inked for Sherry's book? Is that correct. Wow, I cant wait to see pictures. Sure wish I was going to MQX this year, but with my buiding project underway for my new studio I had to give that idea up for this year. If it had still been in NH which I wish it was, my sister and I would have taken a day trip as I will be in VT the weekend before. I could have delayed the trip one week. Oh, well there is always next year!

I would love to try this technique, but I think I will try it on a smaller piece> lol

Congratulations on this quilt ahead of time I know it will be fantastic. If I get to drive to NY this summer I am going to look you up and come see it in person if that is okay.

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This is actually colored with colored pencils using Irena Bluhm's techinques and will be published in her book, To Piece or Not to Piece. It has been a lot of fun creating and seeing it come to life. I am so ready for it to be done though!

Yes if you try this technique start with a smaller project. I sometimes get way ahead of myself! LOL I did a lot of heirloom kind of work so I knew what I was in for when I got started. Once I thought of it there was no going back. It is just what works for the quilt! Someday I want to try it on a scalloped border but it will be a while before I do that. Maybe I'll do it on a wallhanging!

From what I understand the RI venue is no further for me from NY than NH was. I'm really getting excited about MQX and can't wait to see all the beautiful eye candy. It seems the bar is raised 10 notches every year! Definitely come visit if you get up this way!

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O Heidi, me too, still waiting to see this gorgeous work of art. I think of you often and wish I could peek, but I know I'll be thrilled when you post the pictures.

I had to look at Sharon's site to see what you meant by corded binding. I have put corded binding on a couple of my quilts, but not that kind! So pretty, it will be lots of work, but so worth it!

I am so fascinated by Irena Bluhm, I watch her videos frequently on Linda Taylor's Quilting School. I'm going to be taking her classes, in person, at QwM in September, I can hardly wait. I chickened out of the colouring class, I'm so afraid I'll make a mess, but I really love how it looks.

I did see one of your quilts in another book of her's (I think I have all her books), it was beautiful.

Anxious to see more...............:)

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Irena is a woman on a mission! She is just an energizer bunny and so loves what she does. Yes my Rose Parfait was published in one of her books. I too have most of her books. Once you get the first bit of color on it is less stressful! I have to admit on this one I was pretty stressed most of the time. I just didn't want to ruin it since I had so many hours into it already. Irena really challenged me on this one and made me reach new heights. She is having a traveling exhibit starting and has 40 quilts using only her techniques. I don't know the whole schedule yet but I'll post when I know. My Rose Parfait is part of this exhibit. What an honor to be asked!

You should start with a small piece and then go from there. Warning though it is addictive!

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