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NQR- Incredible rain and flooding

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As many may have heard on the news the Northeast has been getting lots of rain. Rhode Island has now received a historic amount and the flooding in MA. is enough that a state on emergency was called today. I don't live in a "flood area" but today at my kids high school they were asked to volunteer to start filling sand bags to be used around town. Reverse 911 calls were also sent to residents asking for help in filling bags and deploying them around town. Rivers and lakes nearby are starting to come up and spill over bridges. I have a orchard of fruit trees that is so water logged that some of my trees are starting to tip over. In all my years I've never seen anything like this.


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I was just watching the news and wondering how you all were fairing in RI. Sounds really bad. We've had our share of rain but we have lucked out of the flooding. Banks are full though! My BIL & SIL live in Sterling, CT and they said their city was one of the worst hit with flooding during the storm 2 weeks ago. They had never seen the water so high there. I'll have to give them a call tonight and make sure they are ok. Luckily their home should be far enough away but they may have a hard time getting around the floods. Be safe and keep us posted!

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I don't know where Sterling is in CT. but part of I 95 was closed down today in CT due to flooding I think between exits 81 and 86, eastern side of CT just south of RI. I heard that account on the weather channel. Some of the problem is that the flooding that we had in this area two weeks ago didn't fully subside. I hope your BIL and SIL are ok. A major highway in MA was also closed due to flooding.

There is a reservoir across the street from me and I have never seen it so high. Every few years I will get a little flooding way back on my property, but so far back that I don't think much about it. This time around I can see it from my house.

I'm just glad that it isn't snow.


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We have had nothing but rain and the left overs from two cyclones (hurricanes that turn in the opposite direction). The ground is so soft that trees will tumble and just keel over. I live in the country, so the cows are just walking through the fences and join the traffic on the road. The wallabies have so much feed that they are reproducing in record time and record numbers. We are literally watching the grass grow. What was lawn is now about two feet high or higher weed. It is dry enough just to tease us, but not dry enough for us to actually be able to get out there and mow! Sometimes Mother Nature has an evil sense of humour. ;)

A good thing is that farmers who have had drought for ears and years have been flooded so the soil is refurbished and the outback is green.

I hope that everyone does remain safe and that the only bad thing is the scare of a flood - not actual flooding.

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I hope this stops and the warm dry weather takes its place and starts drying things out. I wouldn't want water coming in the first floor of my house. I have had 9 inches in the cellar before but that is non living area. I was able to pump it out. I can't imagine having to move out because of the water. I be praying for you all who are going through this.

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Mother Nature does show us she is control, not us.. So sorry to hear of so many impacted by drought and floods.. just stay as safe as you can, and if needed, make sure your important papers are in a safe place.. your family photo's too.. People often forget to take the one most important thing for each person in your households.. If they have time to sort it all out ahead of time, without the last minute panic, it helps so much..

Praying for weather that's more compatible with what we need, and that all of you stay safe and well..


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Dianne I talked to my SIL a little while ago and she said things are a real mess. They were up most of the night pumping water. Her sister's basement flooded and she lives up on a big hill! My SIL said that her sister's backyard has ponds all around it and the ground is so wet there is no place for it to go. She called her hubby at 10 pm to find out that their house had water too! She has lived there 25 years and never had water issues!!!! It is still raining and I'm praying that it ends soon. Has anybody heard if Providence has faired ok? My SIL said they were in worse shape! I sure hope the Westin isn't getting flooded!

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I don't know about Providence, but a few miles south of it is the city of Cranston that has really been flooded. The weather station and Good Morning America had weather people reporting from that area and they were standing in thigh high water, from the middle of residential streets.

I think the hotels for MQX in Providence should be ok. There is a river that is close by but I think the banks around it are fairly high, although the Charles river in Boston is flooded.

There is one bridge about a block away from me that is closed because the river that used to flow under it is now flowing over it. Many streets are closed because of flooding and peoples lawns have become giant ponds. Even if you don't see standing water the ground is squishy because it's so saturated.

Fortunately it only rained a little this morning and the next few days should be dry.


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I grew up in Cranston, Rhode Island. I can't believe what is happening. I moved to Arizona in 1975 and haven't been back in about 10 years. Most of my family no longer live in Rhode Island. I don't remember anything like this. The only flooding I remember is when we had a hurricane. I lived on a street that has a pond at one end of it. I am hoping and praying everyone in that area is safe. I am so glad that I'm not there now. Everyone in the area, please be safe. I'm thinking about you.

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