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Heidi's Super Stars is quilt of the week!!!

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thanks girls that was a nice surprise!

I am so tired this was just a wonderful surprise. I decided it was finally time for some spring cleaning. My windows were just plain disgusting and I thought I would just do the family room & sliding doors windows but ended up doing 26 windows inside and out plus the slider. Then I started on the kitchen. Cleaned it top to bottom and boy did it need it. I vacuumed 2 levels of the house and dusted it too. Then I mopped the kitchen floor too. I'm glad my house is clean but boy am I tired. Tomorrow I go back to work full time.:mad::mad: I see the foot doctor in the morning, maybe he'll tell me it is too swollen and I need another week off.:D After today I won't be surprised if it is more swollen than he wants it! It is talking to me tonight and it isn't saying nice things!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

thanks girls that was a nice surprise!

I am so tired this was just a wonderful surprise. I decided it was finally time for some spring cleaning. My windows were just plain disgusting and I thought I would just do the family room & sliding doors windows but ended up doing 26 windows inside and out plus the slider. Then I started on the kitchen. Cleaned it top to bottom and boy did it need it. I vacuumed 2 levels of the house and dusted it too. Then I mopped the kitchen floor too. I'm glad my house is clean but boy am I tired. Tomorrow I go back to work full time.:mad::mad: I see the foot doctor in the morning, maybe he'll tell me it is too swollen and I need another week off.:D After today I won't be surprised if it is more swollen than he wants it! It is talking to me tonight and it isn't saying nice things!

:o are you out of your mind? u were supposed to be resting and letting yourself heal. now you are going to have to deal with all that insanity at work with foot pain.

and, btw, who cleans when there is a valid excuse not to? you're crazy! :o

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It just had to get done. I'm one of those that can't function at my best unless the house is clean or at least appears to be clean! Normally I do the deep Spring cleaning thing 3 times a year and then clean normally in between. Well I didn't do it this year and I think sitting here in the family room just kept me looking at it. Hubby didn't clean much while I was on bed rest and lets just say the hair from the cat was threatening to take over! On a good note it was wonderful to come downstairs to a beautifully clean home! I brought in a huge bouquet of peonies from the garden and they smell so good. I wish they bloomed all year!

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you got me there. even i, the laziest woman on the face of the earth, have to admit there is nothing like a clean house.

i love peonies - and they last so nice and long in vases! glad they will be smiling at you when you get home from work today. how was the re-entry?

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Originally posted by meg

glad they will be smiling at you when you get home from work today. how was the re-entry?

Well re-entry was ok, could have been worse I guess! I'm sitting here with my foot in the air. It is throbbing. I did go to the doctor this morning and he is pleased with the healing. The one toe is still swelling but not like it was. He told me to listen to my foot and just not to overdo it. Next week I get to try to start wearing a real shoe. I don't think I could this week. I had to leave early today to take my MIL to the doctors and that is done so I get done early! Yippee. Work will come early tomorrow.

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Wow, way to go Heidi! I've been out in the studio"loading" a king size lonestar quilt! I missed the news about your Star quilt!

It is so pretty and I'm not surprised that it's the quilt of the week!

oI love a clean house to but would rather play in the garden. The dust inthe house will always wait on me. SOmeday I'll stay inside the house long enough to clean it. The clothes, dishes and bathrooms get clean. Erma I think said, "You can write in my dust but don't put a date!' I agree with her!! LOL

So sorry to hear that you MUST go back to work tomorrow! Maybe someone filled in for you while you were gone and it won't be so hard to "Catch up"! Good luck tomorrow and I hope that foot is better soon!

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Originally posted by delld

So sorry to hear that you MUST go back to work tomorrow! Maybe someone filled in for you while you were gone and it won't be so hard to "Catch up"! Good luck tomorrow and I hope that foot is better soon!

Unfortunately nobody filled in for me while I was out. I did some work while I was out just to keep up. I have a ton of work to catch up on, plus it is year end, plus last week they canceled all of our corporate cards and now that is one huge mess! Friday can't come soon enough!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Originally posted by meg

glad they will be smiling at you when you get home from work today. how was the re-entry?

Well re-entry was ok, could have been worse I guess! I'm sitting here with my foot in the air. It is throbbing. I did go to the doctor this morning and he is pleased with the healing. The one toe is still swelling but not like it was. He told me to listen to my foot and just not to overdo it. Next week I get to try to start wearing a real shoe. I don't think I could this week. I had to leave early today to take my MIL to the doctors and that is done so I get done early! Yippee. Work will come early tomorrow.

doctor was pleased

re-entry coulda been worse

house is clean

not bad...and better than anticipated.

things are starting to look up!

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