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Why don't I see these coming?...

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A potential customer found me through the LQS (a nice recommendation) and was very snitty on the phone when she heard the soonest I could take her quilt was September (you all know I do a limited number each month and I am lucky to have loyal customers who know to schedule before the quilt is ready--or sometimes even started!)

I may be too sensitive, but she let me know that I shouldn't be "advertising" for business if my turn-around is so long. Poo.

I graciously steered her to some other longarmers (we have a friendly and supportive bunch locally) and asked her what her expectation was as to turn-around. She said she wants it back within a week. I bit my tongue and didn't say "Good luck with that!" and gave her the name of a computerized quilter who might be just what she needs. Nope, she wants it all freehand and custom because computerized looks like a bedspread from WallyWorld. (I don't agree of course.)

I was not upset--you can't quilt every quilt in the world, and I am sure this person would be a PITA to quilt for. I calmly thanked her for thinking of me and gave her a few leads. She sounded nicer as we hung up, but still...

Epilogue--several of the people I recommended declined to accept her top, I am sure because of her pleasing manner, and (bless their evil hearts) told her I was the "perfect one" to quilt it for her. She will be coming in August for a consultation. This may be a time to dust off the "we are a poor fit" speech! Maybe she will line up someone else with a shorter backlog. I guess I should be more selective with the recommendations!

As dear Dennis says "No good deed goes unpunished." :P:cool::P

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I have learned to listen to my gut, it pays off Linda!

Don't feel like you to *HAVE* to do it, anyone that speaks to me that way is not someone I welcome into my studio, you are too nice to be treated as such!! :)

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Hummm, makes you wonder who's quilted for her other quilts or is this her first? If it's her first and wants freehand and custom, does she have any idea that it's going to cost her? Sounds like a PITA big time to me!! Good luck Linda.


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Wow! She sounds like a doosie! All custom freehand and wants it back in a week! Who knows! It may be on the machine for a week! :P:P:P As much fun as it would be to pass her by...........if you do quilt for her and she likes it, she will be one of your best advertisers! I've often found this type of customer (usually refered to me by another quilter who was afraid to quilt for them) is my most vocal, best quilting advertiser! It seems if they like you, you can't do anything wrong! EVER!! And don't let anyone else say anything bad about you within earshot! You will be defended, big time, without ever having to say anything! People are sooo funny sometimes.

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I think you handled this situation very professionally; very tactfully; very kindly.

I laughed when I read people referring to her as a PITA, and it made me think of the line some of us have on our invoice, which is worded in a few different ways, but means a PITA fee. You could add that on ...just because. LOL

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Maybe her quilt won't be square, or she'll have wavy borders... then you could just keep sending it back for her to fix until it's perfect... that might get her under control... It's a shame that we have to continually educate our customers!

(is there a smiley face with devil horns?)

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Linda - go with your gut feeling. I would really think long & hard about whether or not to quilt for her. Do you need a customer that treats you like that? I don't think so. Your too nice of a person to have to put up with a customer who treats you like that. Dust of the "we don't fit" speech and dodge a bullet.

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I am just getting started with a Millie and Compuquilter. I would love to hear others opinions about this but I think using the term "computer aided" vs "computerized" might help a tiny bit with the preconceived "wally world" notion. I'm not sure, I think it is worth a try.


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I totally agree, Dianne.

I usually use CG for "computer guided" (my DH has a CG router and loves it!).

I like "computer aided" better. There is a lot involved in the set-up for CA ;) quilting and with the potential for easier and easier digitizing of your own designs specifically for a certain quilt, the line blurs between freehand and digitized.

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I had a similar situation just this past week. I was asked to make a memory quilt using grandpa's jeans and shirt. I suggested a rail fence pattern which she agreed to. When I sent her photos via email, she was thrilled with the results. When she came to pick it up, she was very displeased, although she kept commenting on the quality of my work. When she took it to work, apparently her displeasure influenced others until she called me later that same day to suggest how I could fix it for her.

She wanted pieces added on to 'improve' some of the blocks. I told that would not look good, but would look 'tacked' on and I was not willing to do that, but I would think about it and get back to her if I came up with an alternative plan.

The next day, I called her to say I would give her all the scraps and her full refund price. She could either pick it up, or I will mail it to her house. She then snipped: Do you don't want to deal with it? Well, honestly, I did not want to deal with either her or the quilt by this point, but let her know that even though she may not be happy with the result, she did receive a quality product. I also suggested she show it to grandma (the recipient). If grandma loves it, then she should just not look at it. It was a gift for grandma. If grandma is happy, she should be happy, also.

She picked up the scraps and refund check yesterday. I did suggest she use a stencil on the solid denim strips to blunt the blankness of that one strip. She did like that idea.

Lesson learned: just don't do that again! No more quilts by request from me.

If I choose to make a quilt for someone else, it will be my idea, my design, and my fabrics.

She is the first and only unhappy quilter I have encountered. It doesn't make a person feel very good, but I feel like I handled it professionally and like an adult.

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Wow Grace--you were very generous to give her a full refund! Obviously she is a non-quilter/sewer and doesn't understand the issues involved with piecing different weights of fabric, putting them together in a pleasing design, and then quilting it.

You have my sympathy and admiration!

You took the high road. If it happened to me, I would try to look at it not as income lost, but as a lesson learned, as you said. The cost of education is high, isn't it?!;) But it's something you will never forget. You did great!

(Good luck to her in finding someone to "fix" the quilt that wasn't broken!)

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I like the "maybe we just don't fit" discussion. You might find she changes her attitude. I screen these out over the phone with a reallllly long wait time or tell them I'm not taking any new customers at this time. You'll come up with what feels best for you. Good luck

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WOW!!! Nice to know we all have these types of people now and then.....

Well handled ladies! Much better than I would have done probably....

Like I say when I am driving and crazy "other" people/drivers are getting on my nerves - "I can't handle stupid people - stay away from me!!" :o:cool::o

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Has this woman seen your work? You are worth waiting for!

I am one of your biggest fans!. Your quilting abilities and creativity are phenomenal. I'm envious actually. Stick with your loyal customers who love you too. You are one of the nicest people I know.

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