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hi - just wanted to share this with you all - i know many facebookers do not sign on daily and i think everyone needs to be aware of this. i have my privacy settings set friends only on almost everything and it still got mine listed. if you follow the steps, it does take care it. this is the post from facebook and the steps i followed....you need to be signed into to fb to do this.

ALL THE PHONE NUMBERS of your contacts are now on Facebook! Go to the top right of the screen, click on ACCOUNT, click on EDIT FRIENDS, left side of screen and click CONTACTS. You will see ALL phone numbers from your cell phone (FB friends or not) are published to the web. TO REMOVE, go to the right column, click on "this page." Please repost this on your status, so your friends can remove their numbers and thus prevent abuse if they do not want them published.

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from what I have understood that if you have a smart phone that syncs with facebook that the numbers in your phone are added to your facebook friends list. No one else is supposed to have access to them. My concern would be if Facebook has access to them how long will it be before they see fit to sell the lists of cell numbers for advertising. Not like they haven't done shady things like that before.

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Just another reason not to do fb. My account is closed but the phone numbers were still there. Does that mean that i am on the list of all my smart phone friends? Maybe that explains the increase in markwting calls lately even though I am on the national do not call for cell phones. :o:o:o does it ever end?

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Guest Linda S

Actually, this is not new. I got my Droid over a year ago, and when I synced the phone with my Verizon contact list, I suddenly had everyone I "know" on Facebook in my phone. I didn't delete everyone, and sometimes it's come in handy, but I was very surprised to have the phone numbers of all these people show up in my Droid. A little scary how much information is shared by all sorts of things on the internet now. It's not just Facebook.

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In order to really DELETE your face book account you have to write Delete Account in search. Then a special paragraph tells you how to terminate your account. It cannot be opened again. If you have just clicked on Account at the top of your facebook page and then clicked on delete it only really suspends your account. All you have to do is sign in and it is activated again. It is not really deleted, only as if you have signed out temporarily!!!!!

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I actually access Facebook off of my smart phone, but have set the setting on the phone not to sync contacts to Facebook. If you sync your contacts with Facebook all those phone number sync back to your phone. I actually "butt dialed" a "friend" from college and I was mortified. Nothing like calling someone you barely new in college and having a I did not mean to call you conversation. Oops! Luckily he thought it was funny, and since he is a minister now, I was really happy that I had not said any of my more colorful words before I realized my phone was on.

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I just checked this out. I use my phone and have friends and family thatuse their phones to facebook as well and most of our numbers are not on there. I think that you have to add your number when adding your contact information. I don't know about the sinc as we all have smart phones but have tight settings and I don't think that I have ever been asked to sinc anything.

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