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nqr prayers please

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Oh gosh! I'm sorry you cried tears and that there is so much drama that surrounds your family, Heidi! :( I wish everyone would just be observant and calm (for the daughter's sake) and also happy for the wonderful event of the first grand child --- I don't get why the MIL is acting selfish or banning anybody. She's just being protective of her daughter. I'm sure it is a scary time for MIL too.

Let's celebrate and be happy. I promise, when things calm down and she has this child, the MIL will be relieved and I am sure she will be so glad to have you join everyone in the welcoming of this baby.

She's just scared. Go give MIL a big hug and try to make things better. She will appreciate it. Find ways to be her friend and comfort her. It might be difficult, but try.

Maybe when you can go hug MIL and tell her you're practicing the hugs so that when the baby comes you and she will know how to hug real good, and the baby will know what special gramma hugs feel like. :) Make her laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

One more thing: Heidi, remember::: this is about your Daughter in Law. It's not about you, it's not about your son, it's not about MIL... it's all about Daughter in law. If you keep that perspective, all will be good. DIL needs this to be a happy event. Do everything you can for the DIL to eliminate any drama. No drama allowed! Swallow your pride and put your personal feelings aside.

And just think::: You have the rest of your life to be a gramma to this kiddo. :) You will have many memories with this child. Make the first memory a good one.

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Well, shame on her ! That's terrible. She doesn't have sole claim on that Grandbaby and your Son IS the father! Good grief. I've been in both places..............the MIL and the Mom of the Mom. Yes, our DIL had her Mom stay with them when the baby was born and I could completely understand that. She is the only child. Our DIL's Mom never made us feel unwelcome when we went to visit. When our DD gave birth, we were there afterward for a while and when SIL parents came in, we left to give them time with the kids. We all shared and still do ! Our DD and SIL chose not to have either of us stay with them when they came home from the hospital. They wanted to do it on their own and we all let them be. The 2nd time around, SILs parents were able to take the older GD home with them for a few days and when new baby and Mom came home from the hospital, I went over to help.

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Originally posted by Barbara Conquest

....... the most important people to be considered are the baby and the new parents. They need time alone -- without anybody else, in-laws included -- to bond and get used to each other.

I AGREE 100% !!!

Heidi, if the baby is delayed and you can't wait, just head back home and wait a few weeks after the baby is born and things have settled down. When Mom and Baby have a routine and are comfortable. Then go have a nice visit and some real 1x1 time with the baby and your DIL and son, too... and you can help out with misc errands, etc. That might be better???

Think about it. :)

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Girls I agree 100%. Son and I have had multiple conversations over the last few months and I have told them I will do whatever they want because that is important!!!! MIL is just that way and we all know it. I just wanted to be sure that DIL and son get what they want and if that is what they wanted we would 100% abide by it. I think it is more important that they have what they want. MIL is actually being very good. We are all banished at the moment! LOL They broke her water and they decided that they wanted it to be just the 3 of them for birthing and I'm perfectly fine with that. I would have loved to have been in there but you know what it isn't about me and I told them that I would probably have wanted it that way too! Her mom is being very good about it too. The only thing that she has said that I had to bite my tongue off was that she told DIL that when they broke her water then it would really hurt bad. Not needed in my opinion. I think DIL is going to do just great. I'm praying for a quick and easy birth. Hopefully by the time you all wake up tomorrow I'll be able to introduce you to my first granddaughter. OK tears again...lol happy, happy, happy ones though! Oh and son told me that most definitely we would not be banished for 3 days. Tomorrow we will be getting a hotel room anyway. I was actually the one that told them when we came down that we would stay at a hotel because we don't want them stressed. Even told them I wouldn't come if they didn't want us to. I'm so glad that they wanted us to come and I'm so glad we got here. We will be skyping with Daughter and her Brother who ironically live in the same complex. I told them they should have a birthing party! They were already on skype with her dad who had to go out of town today! It is wonderful that technology is available like this!

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Keep up the prayers please. Going very slowly. She had an epidural and bad reaction and her bp bottomed out. Son said something like 77/33. It scared him to death and he is a nurse. They were ready though and gave her a different medication. Stopped the potossin for a while. She hopefully is resting. I don't think son is. He didn't take his eyes off her monitors. Just say some prayers for both mommy and baby. It is now 5:30 am so we're at the 11 hour mark. We've been at the hospital since 3 or so yesterday. Did I tell you that we all got to see the ultrasound yesterday? It was amazing. She must have a head of hair because you could see it floating up. So cool! Praying we get to meet her soon and tell her how much she is loved!

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I have been away from a computer for the past 10 days and have only just caught up with your drama Heidi. I am guessing by the time I get up in the morning (bed time here in NZ) your little bundle of joy will have arrived and everyone will be so deligted at the safe arrival this new life all the stress will fade away.

I can see lovely smiles all round! keep calm and think of all the wonderful times you will have now as a new Grandee. This special position comes highly recommened !


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Hugs and prayers for you all..................

Waiting for your new arrival is tense...........enjoy the moment when you get to hold her. It is very special.....I held Dylan when he was an hour old. I felt very honoured as his mummy and daddy were the only ones that had held him.

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Heidi, I think things will all work out during this "birthing time". I am a Labor and Delivery RN and I see this all the time. Tensions can be very high but things will calm down. I really think they will be glad you are there to share in the joy of their new addition to both families. Best of luck and prayers winging there way to you.

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We're finally making some more progress. Almost at 8 cm's and 90% effaced. Long night!

Virginia - her mom is always like this and we all know it. I do have to say she is being pretty good. Only a couple more instances and it is all ok. We all of course are worried. We're almost there and I'm sure we'll all crash tonight.

Vicki - we're in Wilmington. Did you see me waving at you on Sat? The drive down was horrible. I'd say about 15 hours but we made it in one piece.

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Connie I wish you all were here pacing with me! LOL There was a gentlemen here last night who had been waiting since 11 am yesterday for the birth of his grandchild. He finally came at 4 am weighing in at 9.8 lbs! LOL Mom pushed for probably 4 hours. Anyway when his son came out to tell him he was happy hugged him and then went into a corner and sobbed uncontrolaby (sp?? lol no sleep that's my story and I'm sticking to it) but anyway I was crying with him. I know I will cry but they are only happy, happy, happy tears!!! We can't wait.

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This is such an exciting time for you!!!! I remember well both of my daughter's deliveries!!!!

Traffic was abismal on saturday as I was actually headed north to Dulles to pick up my youngest daughter and 3 friends who were returning from their trip to Australia!!!! Thankfully I knew some back roads but now that everyone has GPS's it seems those get clogged up too when 95 turns into a parking lot!

Prayers for your DIL now!

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Originally posted by oma

I'm confused...your GRANDDAUGHTER arrived weighing over 9lbs right? Either way...YAY for all of you...wishing you all much happiness and a little sleep.:):)

No my granddaughter is not born yet and I seriously doubt she is 9 lbs! LOL It was somebody else that had been waiting here. We'll sleep tonight.

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