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Jelly Roll 1600 Challenge, I WON!!

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Our local quilt shop had a Jelly Roll 1600 challenge last night. We had 11 people. I won with a time of 30 minutes. I think I beat the internet time too. On the internet the fastest time was 35 minutes, I did it in 30 minutes, LOL! Here's what we did for those who don't know what the Jelly Roll Challenge is. Check out this video.

It makes a nice quilt too.


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WOW, that is speedy. Did the thirty minutes include the initial sewing of the forty s trips with the diagonal seams? I made one too but it took me much longer, probably three hours. I guess that I am just slow! I look forward to seeing the quilt when you have quilted it. It is a pretty quilt.


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Great job, Hitomi!

The first thing that came to mind when I watched the video is that this would be a great retreat warm-up exercise. And at the end there would be 'X' number of community/donation quilts. I'm going to suggest it to my quilty friends. We have two retreats each year, it would be a lot of fun and at the end there would be 26 quilts for the guild to donate to the community. I'm always looking for more ways to increase the number of community quilts we have since I'm the community quilts chair. :P:P:P

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