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More Meredithisms andother added 11-10-11

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Meredith is 5 years old and is in public school kindergarten. Here are some of the conversations we have had with her lately!

This weekend Meredith came to visit. Papa got up and got a piece of cake and Meredith said, “Papa, you’re just gonna get old and fat!”

This year my daughter, Buffy, ordered all her Christmas gifts online – including Santa. So every day a package arrives at their house. Yesterday a small package arrived and Meredith wanted to know what it was. Buffy told her it was probably something Daddy ordered for deer hunting. Meredith studied the box for a moment and then said, “No, I think that’s the gun Daddy bought you for Christmas!”

My Daughter-in-law just found out she is pregnant. We told Meredith about it. After Andrea left Meredith said, “Mom, I thought you said Aunt Andrea was going to have a baby!” Buffy said, “She is!” Meredith said, “Den, why is her tummy so flat!”

Last nine weeks Meredith got all As and Bs in Kindergarten. She brought home her report card along with a bumper sticker that said, “Proud Parents Of A Stone County Honor Student!” Buffy put the bumper sticker on the counter in the kitchen and went off to Bible study. When she got back the sticker was missing. She asked where it was. John took her out to the garage and there was the sticker on the back of Meredith’s Barbie Jeep!!!

This time when report cards came out Meredith got all As. We were all making a big deal out of it when Meredith said, “Mom, I ‘m sorry I didn’t make a B for you!”

A few weeks back was Meredith Matthews day in her class (every child has a special day). They make posters of their family and such and then get up and tell about themselves. After Meredith gave her talk the kids could hold up their hands and ask questions. One child asked what her favorite food was and she said, “Chinese!” Another child asked where her favorite place to go with her Mom and Dad was. She said, “Piggly Wiggly!”

When asked what she wanted this year for Christmas Meredith said, “I want a birthday party with all the girls so we can all have a make-over!”

A firefighter and a policeman came to their class and gave a talk. A few days later I asked Meredith what she was supposed to do if she caught her clothes on fire. She said, “Stop, drop. And rock-n-roll!”

Sunday Papa offered Meredith a big ole plumb. We thought she might not have ever had one as indicated by the way she was looking at it. Papa said, "Well. what do you think?" "Hmmmm", she said, "It's like chewing juice!"

I never ends. We laugh with her every day!

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How cute! I'll bet she keeps you all laughing....

We took our now 24 year old daughter out to dinner last night and my 4 yr old granddaughter told me she was four....of course I thought she said "full" so I said so am I! She then proceeded to correct me and said in a really loud voice..."oh no you're not, you are 55 and next year you will be 56 and the year after that you'll be --at that point I clamped my hand over her mouth as the whole table was laughing.....

"Out of the mouths of babes!"

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Guest Linda S

Kids say the darndest things. These are so very cute! Write them down so you can remind her when she gets older. They'll probably embarrass her to death till she's in her late 20's, then will think they're pretty neat (that's how it went with my niece, anyway!).

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and from our little 4 year old darling granddaughter, Abby - I was showing her a necklace that had a charm on it that says Grandma, and two birthstones of my granddaughters.

I asked Abby what she thought the charm said, and she said, looking right at the charm, "I want to wear it" is what is says, Grandma!!!

Love them to pieces. If I had been a grandparent first, I would have been a better parent.

Joanne Flamand, wannabelongarm

Artistic Quilt Design

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Hi Sylvia,

My daughter Faith's birthday is also June 8th! She'll be 15 next year. It's also my dad's birthday. When she was born, I called him up in the US and said "Happy Birthday. You have a granddaughter & that's all you get!"

Kids do say the darnedest things. I just have to remember to write them down because I'm sure I will forget! :-)

Enjoy that sweetness!

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a friend of mine was watching her 2 grandsons...they were working in the garden. She told them to sit on the bench and not to move -she was going to get a shower. She hurried, threw a towel around her and went to check on them...they were sitting exactly where they were supposed to be...she told them she needed to get dressed...they could either stay there or come inside...she went to her room, put on her underpants and all the sudden they boys came busting into her room...the older one asked her in awe: Grandma...why are your balls so high?! I loved it! lol

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My grandson that just turned 5 told my daughter when he grows up he's gonna build her a great big house. The grandson that just turned 4 said, "well, I'm going to build you a small house." The oldest one came back with "Trenton, she already HAS a small house, why do think we have to sleep in the same room?" :D:D

My daughter has 4 sons all under the age of 5, so I told her to tell Trenton, he could still build her the small house, and tell him "It's where I'll go hide when I'm about to go crazy!!. :P

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