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NQR cat story to warm your heart

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It has been one of my dreams to own a Seal Point Himalayan but could never justify the cost just to own one of these lovely animals.

If you don't know a few months ago we had a very bad flood in our area. One of the local assisted living homes was flooded so bad the every apartment on the first floor had to be remodeled. Well Pete and his Himalayan found themselves with no place to go. Pete's daughter put him in a nursing home and Poppy, his 9 year old seal point, was placed in a local shelter. That's when I saw her and fell in love. I called them to adopt her only to be told she had already been placed. :( I figured it wasn't meant to be.

Well, a few weeks later the shelter called me to tell me that Poppy had been returned and I was the first on the list to adopt her if I was still interested. They also warned me that she had been through a lot. While at her other house the hair on her belly and tail had been shaved and cigarettes had been put out on her belly and the pads of her feet.

I scooped her up in the baby blanket they had her in and sat there on the floor and cried. I didn't waist any time getting out of there and brought Poppy home with me. I treated her physical wounds and changed her name to Sophia, after Sophia Loren.

It's been slow going gaining her trust. But, the past few days have been wonderful!!! I explained to her she is in her new forever home and that no one would hurt her here. She has started to get up on my lap, and comes to find me when she is ready to get on my lap. She love to sleep on the back of the couch and the bottom of our bed. On my side of course. She is a talker, and let's you know when her water dish is empty. lol

Just goes to show how powerful a lot of love and some patients can be. If your ever in need of a new pet please check out your local shelter. Yes they may come with some baggage, but will be forever grateful for your love.


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I have never understood how someone can abuse an animal or a child. There are some seriously sick people out there.

My Samantha was not abused but she was a challenge. She was my neighbors cat. The gal worked at a local pet food store and adopted her after a few months. Sam was in a cage by herself. Then when they decided to move to Arizona, they could take the dog but not Sammie. Back to rescue she went. They were responsible in that they did turn her back to rescue but I will never understand how someone can do that.

It took me 3 weeks with a heavy heart to go and adopt her. I was just sick about it. I needed another cat like a hole in my head. I already had two and my 85 year old mother has 3 and guess who will be taking in hers when the time comes.

The rescue gal told me when I called that they didn't know what they were going to do with Sam. She was extremely cage aggressive and would have gladly taken off your fingers and throwing them back at you if you were stupid enough to stick them into her cage. This was not a cuddly cute kitty. My guess is that she was scared out of her ever loving little kitty mind.

I brought her home and she then lived in my rafters in the basement for about 3 to 5 months. I am sure she came down when the house was quiet for food and litter. It took a very very long time to gain her trust but finally I won her over. You would never know it was the same cat. This kitty had serious abandonment issues.

She is a gorgeous black cat with gold eyes that seem to glow at night. She is my little lover cat but it has to be on her terms. She is usually in the basement with me (first one to show up) helping me sew and quilt. She has her forever home and we both know it.

If you have a chance to adopt a rescue animal, do so. They will pay you back with love and commitment like nothing else. You will also have the satisfaction of having made a world of difference to one doggy or kitty.

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All these stories made me cry... for the abused animals and for the kind hearts who give them forever homes. My Meiling (Snowshoe Siamese) and our dog Piper also came from the local Humane Society. Cricket and Dixie, another cat and a golden retriever, are grand-animals who have found a forever home with us when jobs took our children to a different city and apartment living. Time to leave for church, I pray for everyone asked for prayers in the last couple of weeks. Stories that are sad, scary, hopeful.

God Bless the Beasts and the Children.

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A small kitty came to my Daughter's back door crying. It was skin and bones. Buffy opened the door and the kitty ran in looking for food. Buffy fed himand the kitten immediately ran and got in the bed with Meredith (4 years then). Within a couple of weeks the kitten had filled out and Buffy went from neighbor to neighbor to find our who's it was. Finally finding the neighbor, he said Buffy could have him "cause they were trying to get ride of him." I guess they were just going to starve him to death. Now, about a year later, he is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. He is a large long-haired black and white. He must have been raised with dogs because he acts like a dog. He will run to you and put his paws on your leg for you to pick him up. He has been a blessing to the entire family. Everyone loves him and his name????? Katty

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Penny, I had a Him/Siam mix kitty and loved her so!!! She would sit at the front door and growl when someone drove up to the house (country living) and also would sleep w/me and raise up with a startled stare when something (deer) was moving in the middle of the night. She was attacked by something and had 20 bites on her body. She could not stave off infection and died overnight at the vet's. I cried so darn hard!!!! Good luck with your new baby!!! Forgot to tell you her name was Sophie

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Penny, what a wonderful Christmas time story of hope and love. Sophia is just a sweet little bundle of fur. Bless you for restoring her faith in humans. Maybe after a while you could send a photo to her original owner to let him know that she is safe and loved, he must be so sad to have had to give her up after 9 years. I also have had 4 lovely rescue kitties that found their way to me, and the companionship, entertainment and love we have recieved from them is the very best comfort. Merry Christmas to you and your Sophia.

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