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NQR - Prayer Request (Update)

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My MIL was treated last year for cancer and she bounced back from the surgery quite well. In November we all saw a change in her. She had become irritable and withdrawn. I believed it to be depression and we urged her to get out of the house and go out with her friends. About a week before Christmas she came down with a bad cold that was not getting better. She did go to the doctor and was put on antibiotics. She seemed to improve but by Christmas she was clearly going down hill again. My husband finally convinced her to go to the hospital this past Sunday. She was hospitalized Sunday evening. Her left lung was completely filled with fluid. Many tests have been run and we are waiting for the results. They will be doing another CT scan tomorrow now that most of the fluid has been removed. All of the doctors are pretty certain that the cancer has moved to her lungs but they won't confirm or talk about a game plan until all of the results are in. If you could please remember her in your prayers we would be so grateful. We are trying to remain hopeful and optimistic but it's been difficult. Thank you so much!

UPDATE: My MIL underwent surgery today for a biopsy and to reposition her lung back to where it needs to be...seems the fluid buildup pushed the lung out of place. I didn't know that could happen or that they can fix something like that! We did not receive the news we had hoped for. She has metastatic cancer and the surgeons exact words were that it is "extensive". The cancer is lurking between the outside of the lung wall and the lining of the lung. She is in ICU at present and we got to see her this evening. She is on pain meds but was able to talk to us. I thank you again for your prayers...please keep them coming. The surgeon was a pulmonary (sp?) specialist so she now needs to be seen by an oncologist who will lay out her options. Cancer is such a dreadful disease!

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Originally posted by hmerrill


I'm so sorry that you didn't get the good news you so wanted. I've had lung surgery so I can sympathize with the pain she is going through. I assume she has a chest tube or two in. I had 2. She is lucky that you are there for her. I'll keep her in my prayers.

Heidi, Yes, she's had one chest tube in since Monday or Tuesday. They inserted a 2nd chest tube during the surgery yesterday. When the first was going in she said it was the most painful thing ever...but the doc got it in quickly. I understand it's just as painful coming out. Thank you for your prayers.

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Originally posted by WestieMom

Originally posted by hmerrill


I'm so sorry that you didn't get the good news you so wanted. I've had lung surgery so I can sympathize with the pain she is going through. I assume she has a chest tube or two in. I had 2. She is lucky that you are there for her. I'll keep her in my prayers.

Heidi, Yes, she's had one chest tube in since Monday or Tuesday. They inserted a 2nd chest tube during the surgery yesterday. When the first was going in she said it was the most painful thing ever...but the doc got it in quickly. I understand it's just as painful coming out. Thank you for your prayers.


I'm sorry it was so painful for her. When they put mine in I was still under so I didn't feel anything. I can tell you that it did not hurt coming out. I was really scared about how much it would hurt. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like they were starting a lawn mower by pulling the cord as hard as they could but I wouldn't say it hurt. I'll pray it doesn't hurt her too. I think it was on day 5 they took out the first tube from me and Day 8 for the 2nd. It has been more than 10 years since I had them and I can still feel the path of that tube! I have nerve damage from the surgery so maybe it is just hyper sensitive like most of my right side. It was a small price to pay though.

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