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What is this? pictues added

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I brought a used machine and this was in all of her quilting supplies. Is it used on the machine some how? and what for?


The coin in the pictures is a gold dollar. I hope you can see everything.






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Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like it might be a foot that screws on? The spoon shaped foot on the Ult. 1 is not made to use with rulers, and this looks like it might be a foot to use with rulers.

I know that Sheri on this forum offered a foot at one time for the U1. So maybe that is it???

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I was going to say.... Gee we need to ask Mark, cuz I sure don't have a clue what it is. It might be something meant for another brand that she adapted to her machine. Or something she had specially made. In looking at the other picture it's not even a foot but looks like a spacer to be used as a guide to keep echoing evenly spaced. Not sure but that's my best guess. How does it attach...not sure about that either...but since the needle doesn't hop on a Ult II maybe on the needle bar, but you said it's for a Ult I. That foot hopped so back to...Don't have a clue.

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Shana,love it, maybe that is all it is good for.:P:P:P

Marsha, I got the whole sewing/quilting room. Fabric, notions, seger, sewing machine, cutting table, books, APQS Ult 1 machine and all rulers, pantographs and everything sewing you can image. This little guy was with the quilting supplies.

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