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What I am doing today

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Awesome Corey! How fun is that!

I'm off to the gym, I am on a mission to improve my overall health. Then meeting friends at our regular Thursday sew-in. Tonight, I have a date with a horse. Riding lessons with a group of great ladies. We are all (mature). As a matter of fact, the ages range from 59 to 69. I am the youngest! Somewhere in the middle I need to pin a t-shirt quilt on the frame. LOL Full day today! Hope you all have a great day!

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This morning I have an appointment with my chiropractor and then will deliver 3 baby quilts I did for a customer. She just had her 5th child, so is a bit busy at home. Then later this afternoon, I have to take 2 Grandsons to football practice for an hour or so and then hang out with them until Mom & Dad get home. Grandsons are 8 and 10. Going to a stinker today with 99º expected.......maybe higher. I am soooo ready for Fall and a little nip in the air.

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I've actually been piecing a quilt for me. I'm about 3/5's done with the center. It is one that Hitomi did many months ago. It has gradations of colored squares. I'm loving it! I'm hoping to have it on the frame this weekend. I have another to get done in the next 5 weeks! Did I mention I'm planning my daughter's wedding which is less than 6 weeks away? LOL busy, busy, busy! Lets not forget to mention that I'm dealing with MIL again. She is depressed and making life miserable. She had the nerve to call me the other morning at 5:45 am to tell me that I had gotten her sweetened Almond Milk and not unsweetened! She has no desire to help herself and does nothing but feel sorry for herself. At least this time she can't blame me for any of it. I need her to get back on her feet so that I can stop running her back and forth to the dr. or hospital every week. The dr. has told her there is nothing physically wrong with her and the meds just have to get working. She has to do her part too and if she just sits in her apartment in a dark cave the depression will get no better. She thinks that because she is 80 everybody should come wait on her hand and foot, just like she was when she lived with us. I keep telling her how lucky she is to be able to walk and move and have no major health issues. I sure hope I never look at life that way. Honestly though she has always been this way. It has always been all about her. If it doesn't get better in the next week or two I'm calling BIL up and telling him to come get her. I need to concentrate on the wedding!

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Hi, I am doing the usual Thursday cleaning, clean kitchen, bathrooms, dust, vacuum and laundry. I also have to change sheets on our bed. I usually do that on Friday. We are getting ready for the weekend. We are going to take the kids to Adventure Land in Des Moines Friday and Saturday.

After I get my chores done, I am going to work on the dreaded Judy Niemeyer, "Crown of Thorns". I have the body of the quilt done and the pieced borders done. I am going to try to get them on today. I have never disliked piecing a quilt as I do this one. Lots of angles and the border has been a nightmare. I am having trouble with the borders, they just don't want to cooperate. I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around the angles. It will be beautyiful when it is done. I don't think I will be doing any paper piecing for a long, long time!!

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Originally posted by VIVIANMABLE

Heidi...........tell her you are sorry she is soooooo sick and probably shouldn't come to the wedding ! She might have a miraculous recovery! :P:P:P:P Reading your tales about MIL brings back so many memories of my Grandmother who was just like that !

Linda no worries of her ever coming to the wedding. In fact neither mother is coming and none of my family is coming. I'm not at all surprised this is the way it has always been. My MIL has never been a grandmother in any shape or form, not ever a birthday card or call. Like I said she is a very selfish woman. Her RSVP was the first one my daughter received.

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My Thursday plans...

Taking a few pictures of a quilt to send to my customer, along with her invoice.

Just wrote a bunch of checks to pay the bills.

Driving to a (not so local) newish LQS to to see the very young (25 years old) owner. She has been dangling me all summer about teaching in the fall, as soon as a room was renovated into a classroom. No word from her yet. Also, she asked me if I would quilt 2 of her quilts - one for free that she would display in the shop and she would hand out my business cards; second one she would pay for at regular price. I did the free one immediately, back in the beginning of June, but have not received the "to be paid for" quilt. Her excuse 2 months ago was that she was not finished it yet. So, I think I will drop in to see her today.

Then, lunch with a good book at a little place near her shop.

Next on my agenda is a haircut! My friend/hairdresser has been at her lake house in Maine for the past month, so my every 4 weeks haircut is now 6 weeks, and I feel so straggley.

Then, to the bank to deposit 2 customer's checks for quilts I delivered this week. :)

Then, home for dinner and hopefully load my next quilt tonight. Although, on the way home I may stop at JoAnn's and buy a large piece of wide backing for one of the E-Bay quilt tops I bought 2 years ago. I have a 60% off coupon that expires today and I hate not to use it. 60% off is "forcing" me to go shopping. LOL

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Beautiful job Corey on your quilt. Love the Cowboy designs!

This is what I'm working on. A friend Debbie not SIL found this hand stitched Grandmothers Flower Garden in an antiques shop and brought it home several years ago. She saw the one I finished the edge for Vickie and said "I'm bringing MINE to you". I said I'll quilt it but I'll show you and help you to make the piping for the edge and face it for you. Tried to talk her into an allover maybe Baptist fan. But that didn't work. So got out the plastic and dry erase pen and now I'm doing SID and curls! I was able to get it loaded and one row done yesterday. Now I will start the next row today. Using so fine green and cream on the top and fil-tec bobbins! Thanks for looking! Have a great day everyone!!!


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Stay safe, dry, and hopefully with electricity, Sylvia.

This one should be finished this afternoon. My customer wanted a southwest theme with the turquoise fabric and (what didn't photograph true to color) warm brown. The turquoise is supposed to look like turquoise polished stones. I'll finish this one and start another.


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Hi Ladies,

I am working on finishing the top for a quilt of Valor, I have to put a border on it, and bind it then it's to be in the Regional Fair early next month, in our Guilds Booth.

I'm almost finished with the piecing, then will get it on the frame, and do something with the QuiltaZoid to put patterns in the white blocks. That device is so handy, and I love the designs.

Not sure yet what I will quilt on the blocks. I still have a few hours to think about that.:P

I have a couple fabrics I can use for binding, and should put a label on it. I don't have enough left of the red or the blue to make a binding. I may have enough to make a pieced multi-color border.

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Everyone's quilt pictures are so beautiful!

Today I had a girlfriend come over and we worked on her quilt top together for 7 hrs! Also had my hairdresser daughter come over and do my hair. ( it was straggly too). Then had extra people for tea tonight and after tea finally made it into the sewing room to do a bit of PPP.

Busy day but very productive.:)

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Well, it's early here so I haven't done anything yet today (have my coffee though) and I'm on the forum so who knows. This week I did get my hair color redone and went to the dentist. All week long I have been so busy dealing with insurance people. OMG! I thought I was making progress and then the hammer falls and I'm at square one again. I feel like pulling my hair out (except I just paid a bunch of money to have it pretty...no, no, no can't touch the hair...lol)

I didn't say anything last week, but my biopsy came back malignant. It's Stage O breast cancer (caught it real early so yay...if you have to have cancer) and the non-spreading kind (yay, again). It looks like NO chemo at this point (happy dance). I will have a lumpectomy on Sept. 11 (Bah Humbug!) and four weeks later I have to have radiation treatments daily for 7 weeks (OMG!). That's going to mess with my quilting time for sure because my primary care doctor is in a network and they want me to drive 120 miles a day to have this done. My arguement is there is a great place 30 miles from my home why can't I go there? I have Blue Shield, Tri-Care (military) and Medicare insurances. Tri-Care and Medicare authorized it, BUT they won't pay a dime unless BS authorizes it too because they are my primary insurance (I've been told they were and then they weren't at least three times this week). BS says they don't have a problem authorizing it, but it has to be authorized by my medical group first. There's the clincher...the medical group wants to keep it within their network group because it makes them money. AAGGGHHHHH!!!! Not "saves" them money, but "makes" them money. Anyway...a lot to deal with. It's nice to visit with you all daily. It's like my "Calgon take me away" time.

Corey, your quilt is so cute. Heidi, my MIL drove me batty the last two years she was alive and now she has been gone a little over two years and some days I miss her a lot. Sylvia, don't get too wet and stay safe. Dell, great job on the quilt. She should have let you do what you want because you are very good at it, but this looks great. Linda, dang you do the neatest stuff. I want to see the whole quilt when you finish.

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Oma I will keep you in my prayers! I'm glad it was the best of the worst news you got. I hate insurance companies, especially when they are in for it for the profit! I'm blessed to have excellent coverage for my primary. I wouldn't want to deal with just TRICARE, been there done that and it was no fun, especially if a major thing comes up.

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I just finished working two 12 hour shifts so I'm tired today. I'm going to work on getting my applique ready for a Mexican Rose quilt I'm starting. Maybe a round of golf this evening. It's been a rough week. We had to put out 11 year old Golden down on Monday. I'm having a little trouble shaking the sadness. I'm hoping that playing with some pretty fabric will cheer me up.

There is definitely some beautiful work going on with you guys. Sylvia, be safe. Heidi, be strong. Oma, I am so sorry to hear your news. Yes, you are lucky they found it early. Hoping you the best. And, per norm, your work is beautiful Linda.


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Heidi and Oma, hang in there. Thinking of you both and hoping for the best.

Peggy, I understand your sorrow; you know you've done the right thing, but you miss him. We've been there with our Golden, our Brittany, our Boxer... My Griselda died this spring, and I still see her around the corner and still mourn her. The worst part is that my husband says (and he is right, darn it!) that we shouldn't have any more pets after our present dog dies, because they might outlive us and who would look after them? I feel a home without warm, affectionate, fuzzy animals isn't a home at all, but I must admit we don't have to vacuum as often.

Lazy Thursday for me; long lunch with a friend and a stop at LQS where I intuited someone local, a comparative newcomer, has plans to change format, time and focus of our small guild! We'll see.

Returned two quilts yesterday, tried to figure out how to stretch an insufficient amount of backing for a customer this morning and wil be back to quilting tomorrow. Tried to register for the Modern Quilt conference in Austin TX in February this morning, and found the classes I want to take are all sold out. Interesting, since registration opened only this morning. All in all, a so-so day.


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