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Only good news this time and GD progression

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I saw my surgeon on Wednesday and there wasn't any "good news/bad news" this time. It was all good news. She told me she got everything and now we wait four weeks until my body recovers from both surgeries and we would start radiation. I don't know if it is harder this time or not or just seems like it because she did two surgeries within 2 wks, but I can tell you I'm worn out. Just taking a shower and washing my hair tires me out so much. The blessing is I don't have to do anything. I don't work outside my home...I don't have children at home...my husband is a good guy. I can just go and relax and nap or get on here. Yay!

My GD was so excited about her fabrics and sewing goodies. She started a TMB quilt and is all motivated again because it is easy and looks good. She was able to figure out that I used 20 blocks on one of the pics I sent her to show her what it should look like. I told her to do 12 and put a couple of borders on it and it would be beautiful. Here's her latest pic. I'm so happy for her.

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Good news all around, great to hear. I'm encouraged by the comments here and I'm not even ill. Oma, I'm praying you will breeze through this and be whole again soon so that you will have many opportunities to mentor you little future quilters of America. I wish I could give you the energy and healing you desire but that's not my gift to give. Relax and have peace. It's a journey.

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