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Today's the day

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Cleaning is a job that's never done. You dust, you have to dust again. You clean the floor, you have to do it again. Instead of a cleaning lady, hire a quilting lady to help you organize some projects that you can work on when you feel better. Then clean right before the holiidays. No one will notice. My thoughts and prayers will be with you while you recuperate.

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You're your own worse enemy, Oma! :) You are used to being a whirlwind--full of ideas, working on projects, boundless energy and a wicked-good sense of humor! You sparkle! Now you're facing down-time with treatments, maybe not feeling so good, little energy, and then the guilt of not being able to do it all--like you're used to doing.

Don't make me come over there!! You rest. Let someone else worry about the dusting. Let the family you care for so much take care of you. Throw guilt out the window. Nap.Work on a hexie project, some red work, or some other mindless-but-rewarding handwork. When you come out the other side of your treatments and begin to feel your old self again, you will look at that little tabletopper or pillow cover and always remember when life was turned a bit sideways. I'm sending the warmest wishes for your health and well-being. :wub:

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Oma, just want you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. I too echo that you need to take care of yourself for a change, rest when you need to, read, do some handwork, and let others do things for you. And when you're tired, heck, crawl under one of your beautiful quilts and have a snooze. Take your time so your body can heal real well. Besides, I'd be scared Linda R. might come over there if you don't!!! Lol! ((((Hugs))))

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Listen to your body and rest when you feel tired. Better days are coming soon. From my experience, the good thing is the actual radiation will not make you physically tired. You'll probably get "tired"of running back and forth to radiation but it will soon be over. I laughed with my radiation crew that I had spent my spring break at the radiation "spa"and had a lovely tan for the effort. Surgery really drags you down. I just completed my reconstruction surgery four weeks ago and now am feeling great. Another month and I can get back to quilting. Can't wait.

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Ok...second day over and it's not so bad. Love the staff at the Cancer Center. My treatments go really fast. Hardest part is holding my breath for 15 or so seconds with my asthma as bad as it is. Today I ended up at my doctor's office after the radiation treatment and had to have a breathing treatment. That helped a lot. I was really pooped because I was expending so much energy just trying to breath. Now I have another steroid inhaler and some Prednisone to take by mouth so we can get a handle on this. My friend made some chicken and rice soup and brought it over for me. I think chicken broth could probably cure the world. It's probably all the antibiotics we all believe they are full of. Don't know if that is true or not, but I do know chicken soup makes me feel better no matter what's wrong with me.

The big brown truck (UPS) dropped off some more fabric last night. It's so pretty. I don't know what I plan to make with it, but at least I have it when I do decide. My grand-daughter was having so much trouble with her sewing machine tension while working on her quilt. I gave her that machine when she was just starting high school and it was well used then. I probably could have talked her through it and gotten it fixed, but I decided to give her an early Christmas present. Costco had the new Singer 160 Limited Edition machine at a great price. The pretty black one. I thought she might really love it so I ordered it for her and she should have it this week or very first of next week. I guess we're all alike...we will get our shopping done one way or another.

The housekeeper idea was a good one. Bless her heart and thank God for all the angels who are willing to clean other people's houses. It's nice not to see the dust angels on my coffee table even if I was the one who drew them on there...lol.

I really appreciate all the wonderful comments from all of you. They make me smile and feel better. Linda, you're a cut up. I have to make Portland show next year and meet you in person along with a few others from here. I've been watching Sandy for the past two days. I love watching the ocean pics, but would have hated being there. I hope everyone has faired well with that one. My little radiation treatment is miniscule in comparison to what you all are going through back there. You have my prayers.

Ok...now I think it's time for some hot tea and maybe a little snack of something.

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