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Just another week


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It's been another busy week. Still doing my radiation treatments...today will be number 13 so I have 20 more to go. So far...so good. I'm red and sore, but I'm not miserable. I don't know how much of my exhaustion is from the treatments or the past two weeks of asthma or the broken bridge I've been dealing with.

About the same time I started my radiation treatments my asthma reared it's ugly head and it's been kicking my butt ever since. I was on two inhalers, Prednisone, Singular, Allegra and breathing treatments and it seemed to be getting worse. I am doing better the past two days. I can take a breath...I don't feel like I have an elephant sitting on my chest anyway. This is a problem when getting my radiation treatments because I have to take a deep breath and hold it several times during the treatment. AACCKKKKKK!!!!!

Last Thursday I broke another piece off my porcelain bridge and of course it was another holiday weekend so I had to wait until Monday to call my dentist. He got me in yesterday and removed the broken bridge and did all the prep work for the new one. I sat in his chair for over two and a half hours. He said it was a good thing I came in and got this done because there was a lot of things going on and it would have ended up being a heck of lot more than the $3000. That's $3000 out of my pocket right before the holidays because the dental insurance was screwed up when my husband retired. It will not go back to what it is suppose to be until Jan. 1. AACCKKKKK!!!!

On top of all this Mike got really sick. He's on antibiotics and I think he is improving, but he's still pretty miserable. The doctor called in his antibiotic prescription to the pharmacy, but it wasn't ready when we stopped to pick it up so we had to go back out to get it and I told him we would draw straws to see who was the sickest and then the other one had to go get it. I decided he was the sickest so I went. It was pretty funny. Our poor dog doesn't know which one of us to lay on. She goes from him to me and looks so stressed about it. Poor thing.

Other than the above we are doing fine. Definitely on the mend. The saving grace here is we don't have kids at home or a job we have to go to. We can get to our appointments every day then come home and sit under our quilts and watch the TV. I love having the housekeeper come in once a week and do the dusting and keep the three bathrooms clean. She does more than that, but that makes me happy. Life isn't all that bad.

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You have certainly been hit by lots of things at once this last few months. Perhaps if we get some rain next week that will help the poor air quality we have been having and your asthma will improve some more. That would be one thing less to deal with. I hope that the two of you continue to improve. Take care of yourselves.

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You have certainly been hit by lots of things at once this last few months. Perhaps if we get some rain next week that will help the poor air quality we have been having and your asthma will improve some more. That would be one thing less to deal with. I hope that the two of you continue to improve. Take care of yourselves.

I know that the almond picking stirred up the air incredibly and added to my problems. We got some rain which helped and more on the way. I think it was triggered by a woman wearing perfume at the cancer center my first day there. She walked by and I couldn't hardly catch my breath and it went down hill from there. I don't think she even had a clue. I love perfume, but I do wish some people were more aware of the amount they are wearing. I always thought it should be just enough that someone had to nuzzle your neck to get a little whiff not bellow around you like the cartoon Pepe Le Pew.

It has been a rather full end of the year, but my only real gripe is not having the energy to work on my quilts. I go to my room and start...after about ten minutes I laugh at myself and go back down stairs. I save most of my energy for things I HAVE to do. We sit around and talk about the things we are going to do next year. Still talking about buying a Harley Davidson trike...tops on the list and I think I want a hydraulic lift on my Liberty. Our problems are so small compared to others. We keep them in perspective.

We did laugh that my bridge was going to be "our" Christmas present. That was a lot of money. Sheesh!

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Oma, I've learned a lot from your honesty about your cancer and treatments. My dad had throat and esophageal cancer years ago but lived 600 miles away so I didn't experience what he went through for treatments. And we've been blessed to not have other cancer experiences in our family. So, as wierd as it sounds, your cancer is teaching others of us what happens and how to maintain a positive attitude and that is a good thing. I pray for continued good treatments and positive outlook and send hugs your way.

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