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Asking for a prayer request


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Hi everyone...this is not for me because your prayers are keeping me safe. I'm almost half way through the radiation and I'm hanging in there pretty darn good. The asthma is better each day and after three consecutive days of visits to the dentist to put my temporary bridge back on and the last day to remake another one...my temporary has stayed on now going on three days...yay! I get the permanent bridge on the 29th. That seems like forever at the moment.

What I'm asking is for you all to pray for a young woman I met at the center last Thursday. She is so young (I estimated mid twenties) and has three children under the age of 5 and she has stage 3 colon cancer. She's having such a hard time with it. She had a round of chemo earlier this month and is now undergoing a round of radiation. She's scheduled for surgery to remove her colon next month...then more chemo and more radiation. All this over the holidays. I can't get her out of my thoughts and prayers so I thought the best thing I could do for her right now is to get her into your prayers too. Your prayers are heard by God.

Help me put a prayer circle around her. Thanks to all of you.

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Prayers are with her, can you share with her that my dad is a 23 year surivor of stag 4 colon cancer. Let her know there is hope, he is having a wonderful life. Positive thoughts and lots of prayers kept us going. I lost my sister last year to lung cancer and I have a brother with uncureable bone cancer. Positive attitude has kept him alive 3 years longer than they gave him. He is still working and not letting it slow him down.

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Hi Oma,

I am glad to hear your treatment is going well. My sis that was diagnosed about the same time as you (her story sounds a lot like yours) has finished her treatment. Keep your chin up, you're almost there! We will continue to pray for you and will include your new friend.

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Yes you and she will be in my prayers. I know how hard chemo can be I have been taking care of my ex husband for the last year, He lost his 4 year fight with cancer on October 17, 2012. I miss him so very much. The lord has keep me sane through 3 years without him and now a month. I pray everyday for a cure for cancer. Sorry I have been gone from the forum for a while. Have lot for reading to catchup. Love to all Edie

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