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Fantastic Thursday 2/28/2013

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What did you do this week? Please share with us. I know how much I enjoy all the eye candy!


This is a 1600 race that Charlie made. Used Affinity Rainbow on top and Bob's bobbin's on the bottom and 80/20 batting. The panto is Fish Tales by Denise Shillinger.  Charlie was very happy!!  Thanks for looking! Have a great day!




001 by delld1964, on Flickr8512911330_af0d5266a6_n.jpg
002 by delld1964, on Flickr


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Dell, I love that quilt & the panto is just perfect for it. You pick the most fun pantos & that is why you my dear is the "Panto Queen"

Kathy, your snow photography is always beautiful as well as the custom quilting.

As for me, I have been busy, happy busy quilting for me and customers & teaching private one on one lesson in piecing. i refuse to post pictures, (I have tons of new quilt pics) just for now until I feel like I am ready, I do embrace changes very slowly.

Just finished a "Shabby Seashells" quilt, pieced, appliqued & quilted by me.

Happy Thursday my friends!!!

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Dell love the panto you used on that quilt, it looks great!  Kathy I love how you photograph your awesome custom work!  For me I haven't had any time to do any quilting this week, been busy with overtime. Yesterday I had off from my regular job, but had a 4 hour safety meeting and a 2 hour interview for a management position. Currently I have been working on a DWR, I have one row of rings to attach and then the top will be done.

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I'm trying to work on my customer's winter wonderland.  Any suggestions for the two color border? Tamara, I really like the custom quilting! I especially like the little clover like motif in the blue background square.

Here is the link to one I was reffered to. It's beautiful!!!  Take a look! Lots of great ideas!!!!


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We FINALLY got out of the house and into town to run errands after 36 straight hours of SNOW !!!!   I have never seen it snow for so long !    It started mid day Tuesday and didn't stop until sometime after dark last night.   We probably have 8+" and some very weird /large drifts.   We are in the country and get the wind anyway, so when there is wind with snow, it is really nasty.   More snow in the forecast for Monday/Tuesday.  Schools dismissed early Tuesday, cancelled yesterday and late start today.   


I started working on another t-shirt quilt while snowbound and kept my fingers crossed that the power stayed on........it did.......so I got a lot done.   Now we are re-supplied with food and other necessities and ready to stay home a while.   How have others in this storm path fared ???

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Well, the cold front passed through southwest Florida last night.  It dropped the temperature to 52 with a high of 75 today.  Burr!  It's definitely not a capri and flip flop  day.  I'm sorry I just couldn't resist.  Wanting to get upstairs and do some paper piecing for a quilt I started almost 5 years ago.  It's on my get'er finished list.  Paper piecing not so fun.  Wanting to play with Libby and the fresh muslin I have on the frame, fun!  I can't decide what I want to practice,  therefore, paper piecing it will be.

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Some of the funny things our grandkids say..............DD took off work early to go home because of the weather.........when she got there, her 10 yr old asked how she got to come home early.........DD told her because the weather and roads were getting bad........so DGD said "well, if you had to use a vacation day, you better go back, as we need those for the summer !"    haha    To clarify.........DD recently went back to work after being a stay at home Mom for 10 years, so they have been working out the logistics of days off from school, summer vacation, etc.   haha    



OK........how did this get here????   It was supposed to go under What makes your day topic.   

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My brothers recently completed an activity barn (4500 square feet) where they hold weddings, receptions, business meetings, etc.  With all the snow and cold they built a frame for a walk thru door so the big barn door doesn't have to be pulled open each time someone goes in or out.  That left the ugly inside of the barn door exposed, so they asked for a quilt to cover the inside next to the door.  It's all pieced and loaded and I started quilting Monday.  I'll try to post pictures when I'm done.  This is the largest quilt I've made (I think) because is litterally has to cover a barn door!  Dad was a carpenter by trade and the barn stands on the old family farm so we chose Carpenters Wheel for the pattern.  I can hardly wait to get it finished. 

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I don't have room to put everything I did this week but I will go for today. LOL   I am doing the angel baby quilt again today this time I used water erasable pen instead of the air pen that erased before I got it traced in less than 2 hours. LOL   My DH took off my quilt top roller and wow for right now I love it off.  Quilting feathers is so much easier for me.  In the middle of quilting I decided to paint the steps down to my studio well don't know what I was thinking (evidently not thinking) and I had painted myself right in the middle of the steps. So for 45 minutes I had to just stand there looking down into the quilt room thinking I could have been done with that quilt but no had to paint myself into a pinch. Well might I add that I had put dye on my hair before starting the steps so had to leave the dye on for 45 minutes!!! I guess I shouldn't multi task. 

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I had an allover the map day.  After exercise class I went to quilt club work day to plan a baptismal banner for our church and trouble shoot a "member concern".  Once home a customer came to pick up a quilt and dropped off another.  This afternoon I hand washed/scrubbed our daughters wedding dress...nothing as fine as fells naptha and a soft scrub brush...looks brand new.  Then....worked on my block for the quick curve ruler quilt along...this one was a dresden.  I have attached pictures of my progress.  Tonight we will pack for a quick trip to AZ to check in on my mom and dad...All's good!


Dresden "Daisy" by Edna807, on Flickr


CQR set of nine by Edna807, on Flickr

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I helped hang 230 GORGEOUS appliqued quilts for the Feather Princess Quilt Show in Tampa, Florida.  Please stop by if you are in the area!


(Pictures added tomorrow.)

Can't wait to see the pictures! Quilters going to the quilt show,  be sure to stop by and see Laurie and Mary at the Lollipops Designer Bindings  booth!!!!!


Vickie and Debbie be sure to stop by AND SEE THEM IF YOU GO!

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The picture is not very good.  This is a brown quilt which the customer wanted fall leaves on in fall colors so I used a pretty variegated YLI 40 wt thread. I had so much lint between flannel, W&N batting and the horrible linty thread. 
All of the pictures posted today were such pretty eye candy and I so enjoyed them. I am constantly amazed at all the talent we have represented on this forum.


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I know it is now "Fun Friday" but am now just seeing this thread, yesterday on Fantastic Thursday, I started out the day working on a really big quilt #1 of 2 idential quilts from a customer and then got caught up in going to see a house with my daughter who ended up putting a contract on her first house and we did not end up home until after 9pm.  So we will keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.  The house is very cute and had been on the market only one day and already had one contract on it as well....we'll see.....

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I finished putting the blocks together on my Judy Niemeyer Bali Wedding Star quilt. I'm going to put the the white borders on it tonight and start marking my feathers!  Have to get as far as I can before I start the Judy Niemeyer Mariner Compass.  Fun Stuff!

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