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NQR-wonderful day and miracles happen

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Hi everyone,

Just had to share wonderful news. My brother had his 5th bone cancer surgery today. The plan was to remove the arm this time. The cancer was growing too fast. The surgery only took 1.5 hours and we thought the worst... Great news, what was presenting itself as cancer was fluid, the other spots just non cancerous tumors. He got to keep his arm and will be going home tomorrow. He is doing great. I believe in God and all higher powers. It paid off today!!!! He still has the use of his arm and is in great spirit. I feel like dancing and shouting from the roof top, GOD IS GREAT!!!!

And another thing, my son, who is in basic training, so for some odd reason got to call me today. He has only calls on weekends and only once every 2-3 weeks and we talked on Mother's Day. So, all of you who prayer for others, it is a good strong power you all have. Good things do happen.

Bless all of you and keep praying, miracles can happen.

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